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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Pretty part of the country for sure.
  2. why drive 2000 miles?
  3. sorry to hear that. I had to put down a much loved dog last year. Very painful to say the least.
  4. Don't worry Buddy will draft a RB or a CB in the #8 spot.
  5. No it doesn't adjust. I got it on sale for $199. And get a cover for any BBQ, they will last longer.
  6. I've had this Brinkman for about 5 years now and love it. Its both gas and charcoal. http://www.homedepot.com/p/Brinkmann-Dual-Function-3-Burner-Propane-Gas-Charcoal-Grill-and-Smoker-810-3821-SB/202664595?N=25ecodZ5yc1v#.UUyXqzd481M
  7. Sounds like most posters in PPP
  8. I loved watching those shows.
  9. So why is it not working here in Buffalo?
  10. I have no idea who was being sarcastic or not. But there is no good reason to strike a child to correct bad or unwanted behavior. Hitting a child perpetuates the false concept that violence is ok and appropriate. I raised two children without ever raising a hand to strike them. When undesirable behavior needed to be corrected, I would take away possessions or privileges. This clears up any unwanted behavior very quickly. Consistency with this policy is also key.
  11. Wow that is really over the top, I hope he gets about 5 years to think about anger management.
  12. Why does our stock market drop when Cyprus has a problem?
  13. Buddy is going to out smart everyone and take a RB with the 1st pick.
  14. Whaley has learned from the best.
  15. Except this year we have more holes to fill than I can ever remember at this time of year.
  16. I wonder if he feels now that the concussion he just sustained was worth it?
  17. where was this filmed ? Some scenes look like Russia! We sure do drink a lot of melted snow, wait there is no snow in San Diego, damn I'm so thirsty. Let me go huddle with a homosexual.
  18. It should be legal to run over a cyclist who refuses to use the bike lane provided. That should clear up the problem within a few months.
  19. Welker got 6mil per year from Denver, and Pats wouldn't pay that. Now they pay DA 6 mil per year? Makes no sense.
  20. Cyclist's are now officially crybabies and pussies.
  21. I've heard stories of people getting a DUI while riding a horse.
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