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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. America definitely had a very tough week.
  2. When I was in Paris I had some Russian dude come up to me and take my picture with a Polaroid camera that spits out the picture. He got all mad at me when I wouldn't buy the picture for $20. I didn't ask him to take my picture.
  3. That calculator said I could drink 8 beers in 2 hours before I got to 0.079
  4. That was one of the best tribals ever ! Glad to see Phillip get voted out. What a douche bag that guy is.
  5. Depends if anything breaks down.
  6. Give the elephants space and the right of way. We should send some bicyclists there and see how they make out.
  7. Wow those photos are amazing. Some real persons of interest in those photos.
  8. I think we should get an additional 2nd round pick for a team to move up.
  9. I thought of something else when I read 'looking for a juicer'
  10. It's in the eye of the beholder I guess. If the marathon was actually cancelled seems like a larger disruption to me than what was caused yesterday.
  11. I agree, if they thought it out more, it would make more sense to detonate bombs at the beginning of the race where there is a much heavier concentration of runners and you would end the race before it even began. A much larger disruption or statement made than what was caused by this placement.
  12. National City is an upgrade over TJ.
  13. Are you on a crusade again? I knew there is something unbalanced with you? When are you going to implode and become a link in this thread?
  14. Whats a contact buzz?
  15. Ever heard of ghosts? They can see them when we cant.
  16. It can be seedy in places. Your first time in San Diego, there are plenty of better things to do and see.
  17. I felt the previous 4 pages were dribble and wanted to introduce and old saying into the mix to give this topic some balance.
  18. I am always leary of any one person who crusades so hard against another group of people. It usually is covering up some short fall in the person who is shouting down the other group. How many times have we seen religious people who rant against gays, turn out to be gay themselves, or are using under age hookers or some crazy crap.
  19. Happy Birthday Chef Jim! Whats for dinner?
  20. Go to the Embarcadaro downtown, tall sailing ships, submarines, the Midway. Old town if you like early California history. San Diego was the birthplace of California. Wine tasting in the Ramona area. Wild Animal Park, Sea World, La Jolla is gorgeous and great restaurants. Tijuana if you want to experience Mexico. Tell me what you like and I can give you some suggestions.
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