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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Does he own part of the horse or something? That is freaking out way to much over winning a bet.
  2. I can appreciate the amount of effort it takes to create that decor and store.
  3. He is going to be suspended from the NFL no?
  4. Checking out without removing the items from your cart to be scanned by hand, but scanned wirelessly and paid for wirelessly just by pushing your cart out the door.
  5. +1 I like the feel and buzz this year as well.
  6. I wish they had the check out of the super market a whole cart at a time ! Also the door that opens by your voice.
  7. I can understand that man's pain. I had a coffee cup that I got from a horse race handicapping tournament in Las Vegas, it had a lot of sentimental value. Someone threw it out from the office kitchen. I miss that cup.
  8. wear flip flops with no socks. Problem solved.
  9. I started gambling at the Fort Erie race track as a kid. We would sell discarded racing forms and programs to newly arriving patrons. When we had $2 or $5 bucks we would stop and go in and bet on the races. we usually won and kept gambling the rest of the day. If we lost that first bet, back to selling programs. I have followed horse racing ever since and have made some money betting the races, mostly just enjoy the whole experience. I look at casino's as a form of entertainment. I'll take $100 to gamble with, if I break even or come close I look at it as a win, I had hours of fun at very little expense. If I lose the whole $100 (which hardly ever happens) it was an evening of fun.
  10. I've heard on the news that 81 people are cleared for release but they can't release them for some reason. I missed that part. What a mess!
  11. Marrone has said he is in the information collecting business not the information giving away business. So he will never agree to it. Can't wait to see how this team comes together.
  12. Nassib was drafted to be a backup. That tells you what you need to know right there. Plus talk about awkward, I'm glad they didn't pick Nassib in the fourth.
  13. Awesome video. EJ manual wants to play here is fantastic! and that kid is big ! Wow! Cant wait to see him play !
  14. It's going to be a very fun year watching the Bills. Can't wait !
  15. That's an interesting question, what did the detainees do to find themselves at Gitmo? Wrong place and the wrong time or were they caught with bombs ready to explode? It would be interesting to know what they are accused of.
  16. Congrats and watch out for any suspicious bags!
  17. Ahhh the good old days of HTML
  18. You forgot to mention that Congress has forbidden to let the the Gitmo detainees on American soil, no country will take them so what is Obama supposed to do? There is no real solution here as far as I can see. I guess you could let the doors open and release them in Cuba. We used to get boat people from Cuba, maybe put them in a boat and let them land on shore in Havana? This is a real **** sandwich created by Bush.
  19. Nice to put a face with the name.
  20. That clears it up, were you the one with the Bills jersey?
  21. Why hasn't Gitmo been closed? It seems to me that keeping people locked up for 10 years with no due process is cruel. Put them on trial or release them.
  22. I feel the same way but they should win 10 games.
  23. Marrone being a former OL himself must like what he sees with what he has. He should know being a former OL.
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