I love Jag's and have owned a few (XJ and S-Type) over the years. This one is getting back to where they should be. But they have lost all their style the last few years IMHO.
Interesting POV. I was wondering what a more reasonable approach to show disgust for radical Islam taking innocent lives could be. This sounds better than writing my congressman to protest.
I think the pass interference call at the spot of the foul is way too punitive. That can result in 25 plus yards of penalty yardage. A ten yard penalty is plenty IMHO.
It was interesting to see a group called the EDL (English Defense League) protest that night or the second night. Sounds like it could lead to sectarian wars.
The only movie that freaked me out was the Exorcist and that was because I was very young and still religious at the time. Now I would think it's hysterically funny movie effects.