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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Yes I listen to Pat Kirwan as well. Dude knows his stuff more than anyone else I've listened to on the radio. I guess Jaws is up there as well.
  2. I'm looking forward to the QB competition, new defense, the new WR's,
  3. I read this article off the Pats website where it describes the impact of them losing AH. Good read. We have a chance this year. http://blog.masslive.com/patriots/2013/07/three_ways_aaron_hernandezs_re.html
  4. Send everyone and pile on.
  5. All crackers look alike!
  6. 15 years for me being self employed. My wife takes the prize at 31 years.
  7. You would think that would be stressed along with nothing good happens after midnight out on the streets.
  8. I'm not a lawyer but if AH confessed anything to the Pats it is not a protected conversation and could be used against him in a court of law. Maybe a lawyer on the board can answer question for me, this but if AH did confess a crime to the Pats, are they obligated to report this to the police?
  9. Yes all are weighted equal. Where does your arrogance come from? Welcome to my ignore user list.
  10. I'll post my silly assed opinion any time I choose too. My opinion carries the same weight as yours and anybody else's opinion in this 94 page thread. So get off your soap box and move along and stop being the GZ of this thread. But you were correct, I did embellish the stay in your car thing, not sure where that came from. But I am looking forward to the summary of day 2 testimony.
  11. GZ called the police not 911.
  12. Hard to argue with the guys assessment. We have more questions than answers right now. But as a kool aid drinker, we are going to stomp there asses.
  13. If I was the judge I wouldn't give them bail. Flight risks.
  14. I'm no legal expert but I think he lost his right to the stand your ground defense when he followed TM after being told by the police to not follow and stay in your car.
  15. I just read an article to do this while grilling burgers, it caramelizes and bonds to the sugars in the meat and makes the burger tastier. Your Dad was onto something there.
  16. That is impressive. Scary high.
  17. Whats my Pokemon card collection worth?
  18. He can't stay out of trouble. Pass.
  19. That would be awesome! Kudos sir! Can you put a Bills logo on the buffalo?
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