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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. That's a tall order. I don't think Hackett adapted the offense to the players he has before EJ went down.
  2. I would agree with you before EJ got hurt. Now I don't know what to expect. Losses probably.
  3. My criticism of Hackett is that he is not trying to create mismatches enough. A fast tempo alone is not going to give us an advantage. In fact, I think it is a disadvantage.
  4. You have to have a Harley to think your on S of A! These fools are on crotch rockets, not even bikers IMHO.
  5. Colton gives gay people a bad name. What a loser! Glad he is going to fade into obscurity.
  6. Notice between this incident and RR incident its guys on crotch rockets. I don't even consider them bikers, just punks. I ride a cruiser and obey all traffic laws.
  7. They need to drop the lawsuit. It's unfortunate what happened to the guy, but the guy has no case IMHO. He was part of a group terrorizing the RR. No matter if he was trying to diffuse the situation. wrong place wrong time. The RR was fleeing for his life. If I was a juror on that case I would not award any money. Just saw some more video of this group, they were more than 100 bikers terrorizing many parts of the city, over 200 911 calls prior to this incident. Where were the police prior to this? The RR should sue the city for incompetence to protect its citizens.
  8. Oh, in a bizarre way, it makes more sense that the groom didn't do this.
  9. Wow ! I cant imagine what this guy was thinking? Cuts off his testicles and then proceeds with wedding? Really? http://live.huffingt...e34445891000425
  10. The only positive I can see is the EJ will hopefully become serious about learning how to slide and dive without getting hit.
  11. Do we bring in another QB? Tuel is the starter with no backups at this point? I think they have to. Should have brought back TJ after Kolb got IR'd. If EJ starts next week, do we go in with just Tuel as the backup? What if he gets hurt? Brad Smith takes over?
  12. bales might be a better word.
  13. I heard this news story, the wife called 911 five times and it didn't go well apparently. Also 5 off duty NYPD officers were riding with them! Why didn't they intervene here? I'd sue them as well. Most riders are responsible, this group acted like a gang of thugs. They all should be charged and sued.
  14. I agree 100%, EJ needs to learn how to dive and slide to avoid unnecessary hits.
  15. +1 Not sure about Tuel yet, he needs reps to improve. Last night was tall order for him. They should have kept TJ to see what he had.
  16. He needs coaching on diving and the QB slide to avoid injury. If he dove out of bounds with his legs straight out behind him, he doesn't take the hit to the knee. He dove like he was sitting in a chair. Its all in the technique.
  17. Even on the red zone channel, they don't show Buffalo in the redzone. The media really doesn't like to cover Buffalo.
  18. IR the guy and never sign a player represented by Parker again.
  19. It would be interesting to see if we traded him, to see if he then goes full blast for the new team. I would sue him for the 4 or 5 games missed for faking it.
  20. Awesome! I would have crapped my pants to be awakened by shouting , lights and gunfire.
  21. Awesome. Think of all the court costs and jail cost savings.
  22. She has the lips for the job
  23. Either have I, that said, his foot was clearly in bounds and the play should have counted.
  24. That's awesome! Too bad that woman didn't hit him 10 more times.
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