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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. It will be fun to hear the pundits discuss this if we win.
  2. Can you stick a broom handle in his spokes?
  3. They should have knockout kits on a plane. Get a syringe full of some knockout drug and put her to sleep for 4 hours.
  4. Yes, they cant get a higher credit spending limit!
  5. Don't they have mercy rules to end the game when it's a beat down?
  6. If we win the next 5 games I'll start getting optimistic.
  7. Maybe, the typical voter has a short memory and will forget about previous crisis's and vote back in the same idiots. I would think that members would be far more co-operative if they knew they would be out of a job if a deal can't be reached and the election would be immediate with the issues fresh in all voters minds. Good bye Ted Cruz and other Tea Party members.
  8. Yes, so glad we dont have to deal with him twice a year anymore.
  9. That sounds like a line in a horror movie I've seen like RoseMary's Baby or something like that!
  10. Is everybody wearing a costume at the wedding?
  11. So I guess I should put in that underground bunker after all.
  12. Too bad we don't have this mechanism in the American system. Canada's PM can hit the reset button if a budget cant be passed. http://www.parl.gc.ca/About/Parliament/Education/OurCountryOurParliament/html_booklet/dissolving-parliament-e.html
  13. That sounds kind of scary. Do you carry a concealed weapon for protection? I think I would.
  14. I think he is going to be cannon fodder
  15. Wow thats crazy! No good deed goes unpunished as my Dad would say.
  16. In the NY clip, one dude was on a quad! Is that even legal on NYC streets?
  17. Good promo video for what abuse of drugs can do to you.
  18. Ya they reloaded with new members that we don't really know. I'm sure there will be a few kills shortly!
  19. Baked tuna sub! I used to love those things! Someplace close to Allentown had them Dripping with mayo and onions.
  20. Their board reads exactly like our board.
  21. How do these warnings points work anyways?
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