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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Some motorcycle drivers are their own worst enemies. Driving in blind spots, shooting up thru traffic lanes is crazy. Someone can check their blind spot then start moving over just as the motorcycle starts shooting the gap at high speeds. I almost hit someone yesterday in this exact same scenario.
  2. Thanks for posting this. Now can we relax and wait see what happens in the draft? Because nobody knows what is going to happen except Whaley and Marrone. well maybe Russ as well.
  3. The technology I would like to get is a device that can change red lights to green.
  4. I blame video games and movies that are about killing, blood and gore. Probably most people are not affected adversely but a very very tiny percentage are and that's what we get.
  5. Great pic! Thanks for sharing! Your son looks intense there in that picture. My sons team struggled to score as well. I always tried to get them to watch hockey and soccer games as well because the concepts are the same to get the shooter in a good scoring position. At least they listened to me on setting pick and rolls to shake a defender in front of the net.
  6. They probably are more physical at the college level but at the high school they are extremely injury and law suit paranoid and really trying to eliminate the body check at that level. IMHO. I played hockey, football and lacrosse a long time ago where you could really light up people (mostly me getting lit up it seemed). But the game is so different now from what I remember, which is probably a good thing because it is safer and relies more on ball skills and physical speed more than hitting ability.
  7. Sure lots of people provide stats,info and wish lists. But only the GM, HC and the Owner make the final call.
  8. Probably only Whaley and Marrone know what the truth is. I think those two can keep a secret.
  9. Looks he will feel the pinch about this. Looks like he is getting crabby about the subject
  10. These rumors are all BS created by websites and reporters to make news. There is no way any organization is leaking info.
  11. I might be wrong but your not supposed to run and hit into the other person. Your supposed to place your stick on the persons body then push them out of the way. Not thrust your stick into the person effectively hitting them hard with the stick. Although you can whack away at the person with the ball to dislodge it. And poke checks are ok.
  12. No problem, I am a river master from the Old Fort Erie down river about 5 miles or so. We used to walk up to the Old Fort Erie, jump in there and float down past the town of Fort Erie a mile or so. Sometimes we used inner tubes, sometimes just tread water. How far we would go down river would depend on far we felt like walking back home that day. Good times. Especially with a mask and snorkel you can see all the fish and junk under the water.
  13. My son played lacrosse in high school. Its a great game. They check pretty hard at the high school level. Do they even allow checking at the pee wee level?
  14. Ding Ding Ding we have a winner.
  15. I think they should stay put and take the best player available.
  16. Wow, that should not even be allowed to be brought into a court. Shame on the lawyer for accepting the case. If that woman wants a money grab, just sue the county of Simcoe and leave the kids family out of it.
  17. He should have proof read his ad better. Probably meant to say "Looking for an Italian Stallion who is hung like a horse"
  18. That's how I learned how to swim circa 1965 or 1966
  19. Started from the Peace Bridge, swam across touched the American side and made it back to International Railroad bridge. Damn near drowned from exhaustion doing it, but it can be done. If you don't swim against the current its not a hindrance at all. Same with rip currents in the ocean, don't swim against them, swim parallel to the shore, and when out of the rip current, swim back to shore.
  20. Had the Bills put the transition tag on him they could have done just that. I think it was a card they should have played.
  21. Cell phones should be programmed to be unusable if the car is in drive. Just way to many accidents and deaths.
  22. Wow, sorry to hear about that. May god bless your sister and your family.
  23. I'm thinking of attending the San Diego home game. Is TBD going to have a tailgate thing going on for this game? I wasn't sure where to pose this question, didn't want to start a new thread.
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