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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. In California you can be charged with a DUI even on a horse.
  2. Is it supposed to be installed in direct sunlight? My outdoor thermometer reads ridiculously high temps when in direct sunlight (Granted, manufacturer mounted in on a wrought iron frame which conducts heat). Also, is it mounted on a steel pole or anything that conducts heats? That could skew the results. Try it in the shade and see how much that changes the results.
  3. Wow thats crazy John! Glad your daughter is OK. What kind of car did she drive?
  4. Are you choking that calf?
  5. I suggest everyone jumps off at the half way point and swims to the Canadian side. Lots more fun that way and you avoid immigration.
  6. I don't eat hot peppers, but one of the Mexican guys working on my old ranch grew these black chili peppers that pointed upwards rather than hanging down like most chili's. He said the really hot ones grow pointing up rather than down. We had a party one day and he offered anyone brave enough to take a bite of one, my son and a few others tried, they all puked within 15 seconds. Those chili's were insanely hot and black. Would love know where they rate in the chili world.
  7. What if the sky falls down? What if there is a car accident? What if his shoes are too tight? What if he plays great? What if? What if? What if? Can we watch the games and see what happens?
  8. Cool pics, how many acres to get 300 bales of hay?
  9. Definitely loved Dracula But my choice for a sleeper movie is Diggstown
  10. Whatever happened to the Dean? I always liked his humor and insights?
  11. That's why I use kegs. My wife can't pick them up to throw out.
  12. One of my favorite actors. So many good movies, The Professional, Dracula, The Fifth Element, True Romance, there are so many great movies with him in it.
  13. lol! Funny!
  14. After reading everyone's excellent choices there are just too many excellent films to make a top 5 list.
  15. Its grossly excessive. How about taking away the play station if that was the problem.
  16. Nice truck. I'm going to trade in my Jeep for a Tacoma 4WD. Tundra is too hard to park in San Diego. Damn small parking spaces.
  17. So are you saying I should go ahead and get Directv?
  18. Saw this link on the teacher page. It interesting. Stars with deformities. Oh by the way, yes. http://madamenoire.com/338575/celebrities-with-physical-deformities/?utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=widget&utm_campaign=MadameNoire.Desktop.USA.safe
  19. Do you have a kick ass 4 x 4 with winches and stuff? If the owner couldn't get in, maybe its impassable?
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