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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Was there an episode this past Tuesday or did my DVR not record it?
  2. No but the story of this guy would make your head spin. I really liked this guy, he was super cool to talk with. I had many six packs chilling with him. He was a convicted bank robber, got his legs amputated from a shoot out with the police while robbing a bank. I understood why he dealt crack, what else was he going to do for a living. Black, convict, felon, handicapped what else could the guy do? I had a verbal agreement with the guy to keep his chit on his side of the fence. One day I had crack addicts scoping out my stuff (An awesome 76 Jaguar XJ6 candy apple red, black tinted windows, Corvette LS1 power train, I could do 120mph without blinking an eye on the 210, even crooks respected this car cause it was so cool) to steal and I reported his ass to the police. I met with the police who busted him, after a long stake out, but they knew about him already, the same cops who beat the crap out of Rodney King (Rodney's home town at the time) they called me one night and said to stay indoors , at 6:00am (why do they always bust people at 6:00am?) they raided his house and hauled everyone away. I never saw him again. Sorry dude, I warned you to keep your chit on your side of the fence.
  3. My support prayers go out to all.
  4. Who knows how it ends, my guess is Jax goes to kill Jemma, tig tries to stop him and a huge gunfight erupts and everyone gets shot and killed? Just a guess.
  5. That's funny, I used to live in Altadena, (North of Pasadena in LA) At the time was not a really nice neighborhood. I was the only the third white couple that I saw in the neighborhood. My next door neighbor was a crack dealer (A whole crazy story by itself) but he a had a huge nasty chow in his backyard, I had a German Shepard and a doberman in mine. So this black guy was running from the police and ducks into my neighbors backyard, the chow nearly rips him to shreds, he jumps over the fence into my back yard and my dogs are waiting for him, he scrambles over my backyard wall which was about 8 feet tall, I hope another nice dog was waiting for him there as well. He was going to need a new pair of pants after that sequence.
  6. That is just horrible. I'm happy to report not all frats are bad, my son who did attend SDSU and joined a frat, when my son and his friends heard about an incident at a party they were attending, took care of business and the a-hole in question wont be trying that chit anymore. My daughter attends a college that doesn't have frats, nor does she drink alcohol plus she can the crap out of most guys anyways. So I thankfully don't have to worry about that scenerio with her. Knock on wood.
  7. Best one yet! I actually tripped over a power line. Just read this, rather than shovel snow out of the stadium, they are going to build a dome over the stadium and bring in big heaters to melt the snow.
  8. Going to PB Ale house to see the game!
  9. Are tickets still available?
  10. I'm sure the new stadium wont be in the path of lake effect snow.
  11. Wasnt there more snow in the blizzrd of 77? I remember tripping over power lines that are what? 20 to 25 feet above the ground?
  12. How are the players getting to the airport? Is the airport closed?
  13. That's a bad ticket. Might as well share bad ticket stories. Mine was on Christmas Eve, in a hurry to get home from Palm Springs, had a computer programming contract there, I was late for dinner and holding up the family from eating, just trying to get home. At my exit, cop pulls me over for 15 MPH over the limit. Asked him for a break, but a scrooge he was. Really put me in the holiday spirit.
  14. He did say he has PTSD. No excuse but I hope he gets anger management classes.
  15. I used to see a stripper come in my banking branch. Chick was hot and always depositing a ton of cash.
  16. No more! Sheep didn't consent!
  17. We should sign Blount. An upgrade over Brown and Dixon.
  18. Down farther in the article it mentioned these raids were in response to the lawsuit from players against the NFL.
  19. Awesome, glad to hear they did that.
  20. He probably didn't pay a gambling debt and had to come up with the gun cleaning story to cover for the fact that his bookie hacked off his finger for bad gambling debts.
  21. +1 Hard to argue with you on that. Hackett was a bad hire.
  22. I think we need a new Off. Coordinator and an upgrade at QB.
  23. I'm looking for it but cant find it.
  24. I only care about Pat Kirwans pick. His analysis is as good as it gets.
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