I saw some tech show about nano bots that look like insects and fly like insects but are streaming audio and video. We should get a few of those for One Bills Drive.
I remember Howard Stern talking about this one time, he opinion was he would never put a sticker on his car because some crazy person will take offense to your message and maybe damage your car or worse, road rage incident. Interesting opinion.
+1 I think they lessen the look of a vehicle. Plus most messages are stupid on bumper stickers, like baby on board! I don't care if you have a baby on board! Or my child was student of the month, who cares!
I have good success frying my wings with a hot air fryer. Takes a longer time but the taste is good and takes longer to get crispy. My wife likes to bake the wings afterwards to dry the sauce up a bit after frying, but I like them wet. I think you will like the end product.
Of the potentially available QB's so far this year, I think we should get Sanchez. There might be others that I'm not aware of at the moment. Which QB do you think Whaley should go after?
You have to make your own wings. Its not that hard. Get a turkey fryer and then a smaller pot with a basket. I prefer canola oil to fry them with. Get franks hot sauce and modify to suit your to your taste.
I can for whatever genetic vocal chord reason can imitate that demon voice perfectly. Its hard to do, have to drink lots of water afterwards because it stresses my vocal chords. I love to freak people out when they don't expect it and the time is right to prank them.