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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. No , but I'm in the real estate business but not as an agent. And all agents are good. There are great ones, good ones, and bad ones. I want to get hooked up with a great one. That's why I was asking for a referral to a great agent. My brother is an agent in Canada is trying to find me a solid agent that will work his/her butt off to find me what I'm looking for at a value price.
  2. After selling all the assets from the separation, I'm exploring options to see where I can get my best bang for the buck for a decent house or condo with the proceeds. San Diego is freaking expensive. I don't want to be house poor. I would prefer to pay cash for the house or condo and have no mortgage and still have some cash in the bank for emergencies. I used to live in Buffalo and loved it! Ya it will be cold, but so what. I'll get used to it. If I can get a decent condo for $200,000 in Buffalo that would cost $800,000 in San Diego, Buffalo is starting to look pretty good. Plus I can go to all home games and be closer to my family.
  3. I was a huge Star Trek fan. Sad day indeed. RIP Dr. Spock!
  4. Their site doesn't work worth poop! Couldn't get past the name step
  5. Are there any undercoats that pardon the expression are worth their salt?
  6. So if I move to Buffalo from San Diego my 2012 Jeep will start to rust from the salt? Can I spray an undercoat to prevent rust?
  7. Thanks for all of the encouraging words. If anyone could recommend a good realtor. PM me their info so I can call them. I am seriously considering moving back to Buffalo. I like the new canal waterfront district. I have friends in Buffalo and family in Canada so easy access to the Peace Bridge is a deciding factor. Thanks again for the support.
  8. Since 2012 the power train and engines are made by Mercedes Benz. I love my 2012 Jeep Wrangler Sport Limited edition. Hard top.
  9. I scored a 15. But I have now 6 days clean and sober and intend to stay that way. I go to meetings regularly. Previously was drunk every day of my life for the at least the last 10 years. My wife and family have all left me because of it. I now have to sell my house and all other properties to settle the separation. I now need to find a new place to live in the next 60 days. So yes I was a drunkard but at least now have 6 days clean and sober. Please say a prayer for me to help me stay that way. It's destroyed my family and my life. I might move back to Buffalo, how much would a decent 2 bedroom 2 bath cost in the city close to everything. Could be a house or a newer condo on the water front?
  10. My wife just rented one for a few days. I loved it!
  11. I claim BS, EJ will be the starter this year.
  12. Josh McCown will be a good backup to EJ. McCown is the new Orton.
  13. Watching from the third camera angle, the dude doesn't even try to make the turn and goes straight into the light pole and down. I would say classic case of distracted driving while texting on his phone.
  14. I gotta go with EJ. I don't think Hackett and Marrone really helped out this kid enough to really see his potential.
  15. Love your icon by the way. Breaking Bad is one my favorites! Are you watching the new the Series "Better call Saul" I'm digging this new series.
  16. Thank God the Pegula's bought the Bills ! We are so lucky! No new stadium issues like the Chargers are going thru. It's stupid that the Spanos family and the city cant agree on who puts up what money. They have the perfect site beside Petco Park, an old San Diego bus terminal could house the stadium and plenty of parking from Petco stadium. Very stupid they cant reach a deal. Also would expand the convention center for more commercial space and Comic Con which is huge every year. Stupid ego's blocking this logical deal.
  17. Personally I like EJ. I thought he made some great plays and some rookie mistakes. He just needs time to learn. Hopefully he wins the starting job this year.
  18. I go there all the time. I'm am really bummed about it. It doesn't look to bad though. They will remodel and open again. In fact I sell them hops they use in their beer. They make they own craft beers. Awesome fans go there on game day. The place is packed and really gets rocking when the Bills are winning.
  19. I don't hate anybody because that is a strong word. But I always felt Marrone and Hackett were in over their heads.
  20. Seattle was lucky to be in the Super Bowl. They should have never beat Green Bay. Their luck finally ran out.
  21. Wade is/was a hell of a DC. Denver got quite an upgrade with Wade as the DC. I always liked him here in Buffalo.
  22. I've heard a lot of pundits and former players talk about this. Its pretty commonly done by all teams and a none issue. Even spygate. All teams do it.
  23. Rex said he plays schemes that fit the players we have. He's not converting to a 3 - 4 defense
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