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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Anybody have season tickets in the Jim Kelly club?
  2. This is definitely a catch 22 situation. On one hand the security door is meant to keep intruders out. It was never designed to keep the pilot out when co pilot goes suicidal. If you have some keypad to open the door. Then hijackers can hold a gun to the stewards head and say open it or die. The only solution I can think of is to have a remote entry lock. Where the air traffic controller can verify the situation and remotely unlock the door, if the situation warrants it.
  3. We are focused on (insert team name here) for next week.
  4. My personal record is 85 feet from the top of the train bridge across the Niagara. 41 feet? Pfffff. nothing. I've dove head first from the lower level. Will never do it again but I did do it.
  5. A few years ago I settled some major credit card debt for around 45 cents on the dollar. Can you use a tax refund or something to try and settle some of the credit card debt?
  6. I thought in India they have been doing this for awhile already?
  7. Really? Fire a shot over a botched burger order? Complete psycho path. She should get more than 2 years and anger management classes. I can see all MacDonald's going to bullet proof glass at the drive thru windows. I once stopped at a MacDonanld's very close to south central LA. The order counter had 3 inch bullet proof glass just like some banks have. What is wrong people? Where has civility and common decency gone?
  8. I read an article where the pilot in the cockpit could be heard breathing in a normal fashion right up to moment of impact.
  9. Sheeesh, Tom has made a lot of good movies. What was the movie where he played a stand up comic with Sally Fields?
  10. I invented coffee lids with the little sipping hole.
  11. Don't come between a man and his last glass of vodka and OJ.
  12. This sounds like one of those propositions where you have to spend $2 to make $1. I'm sure that the government will jump on this opportunity and it will make complete sense to them.
  13. That pretty much nails it.
  14. Keeps out the FBI's probing wireless radio waves as well. At least I saw that in some Mel Gibson movie.
  15. I doubt it. He is a fellow La Jollaian!
  16. Good one! Nice blast from the past. Although Ice's epic meltdowns were something to behold.
  17. Hell I don't even remember, probably drunk at the time. Long time ago. Update, I think I do remember, there was a polarizing thread about an old guy that shot and killed a burglar crawling into his neighbors house in Texas. I said that I would not shoot somebody to save your toaster but I certainly would call the police to report the burglary. It was a heated topic that got out of hand. Although in my younger days I had lots of heated discussions on TBD. That might have been the one.
  18. Did they crack his rib cage open like a crab shell? That is a brutal procedure. I've seen some of the toughest guys in world I know cry from that recovery.
  19. She must have been rude to the person at the cash register and got fight clubbed.
  20. I'm hoping to move to Buff. in time to make seasons tickets a good idea.
  21. I guess I'll wait until I actually move before making the change.
  22. I'm thinking 3 or 4 but reserve the right to back out if unforeseen circumstances screw this joyous event up. Which happens regularly unfortunately.
  23. Al Michaels and Jon Gruden I like as football guys. Trevor Denman the current announcer for Del Mar race track is best I've heard for horse racing.
  24. I worked with a woman who's last name was Assman ! Would have been better for a guys last name. Also when starting a new job and looking for a new dentist one of the dentist's was Dr. Payne! I thought that was pretty funny for a dentist.
  25. That was very interesting. I always wondered how they made pruno
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