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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Don't forget to wrap dead fish with.
  2. Cant resist myself but here it goes. Pick one out of your crotch, boil it, eat it. And let us know how it is with butter.
  3. Yes this thread is like watching Jesus Christ being nailed on the cross. Take something good and just kill it
  4. Get well, prayers going out for you.
  5. Or the procedure that put it there? Something is very fishy here, need more details.
  6. Then you will love the spelling of colour, cheque and did I miss any other gems?
  7. To a large extent we do control what happens to us. Every choice you make has repercussions and ripple effects. The things we cant control we have to recognize as such. Sounds like the serenity prayer? God, grant me the the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
  8. So true, I was going to post something similar to this but this was said more eloquently.
  9. I wonder if she has a personal conduct policy in her employment contract?
  10. I would still fire her to set a tone at the workplace. Being a douche bag will not be tolerated.
  11. Check local pawn shops and watch craigs list in the for sale section. A lot of stolen stuff ends up on CL.
  12. That sucks. Hope you get them back. You should file a police report.
  13. What a B word! btw the lady told her the camera was rolling. She even looked up at it. Hope she gets fired.
  14. Funny stuff. Reminds me of Leon Lett celebrating early after a pick 6 and Don Beebe stripping him before he reaches the goal line.
  15. SO if both players are using their iPhone, who wins?
  16. +1 How do you figure that? There are 2 preseaon games and 2 more regular season games. Still the same amount of ticket sales. As for game checks. There salary would would be divided by 18 rather than 16. So I don't see a problem there.
  17. I don't know about that. The last game I saw him play in he jump clear over the OL on an extra point play. Damn, I don't think I've ever seen anyone do that before.
  18. Do I detect some skepticism here?
  19. I think it has something to do with people who have gerd?
  20. Well i'd be pissed too!
  21. Sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing!
  22. In the theme of selfie's of photo bombs this was a funny set of photo bombs http://buzzlamp.com/21-classic-photobombs-2/?utm_source=adblade&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=photobomb
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