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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. That phrase doesn't bother me, but its in the same genre of when someone says "I don't want to be rude but ..." or "Don't take this the wrong way but ...." You know the poop is hitting the fan when a sentence starts like that.
  2. It seems to me that someone could easily duplicate the temperature conditions in a lab and measure the deflation rate.
  3. Moving to Buffalo or Canada. Need to sell my Cali property first though.
  4. I didn't want to wade thru 43 pages to see if this has been said already. I listen to Jim Miller and Pat Kirwan all the time. They give pretty good knowledgeable opinions, their take on this is that it is a non issue. Every QB sets the inflation amount prior to game within league guidelines. Cold rainy weather would have caused the balls to lose some inflation. Brady's psi is 12.5, Lucks is higher like 13 if I remember right. The balls sit outside during the game. They would have deflated some by halftime. Even the Colts had 4 balls under inflated. Nothing to see here, move along.
  5. That sounds like a tough situation. How old is he? Can you take him to a therapist?
  6. Yes I have known a sociopath. Why do you ask?
  7. No but I have a good use for goat milk
  8. If they were ugly I could see the cruel and unusual punishment. But those guards look pretty decent. Throw the case out. And what were those chicks thinking?
  9. Now that is really screwing the pooch!
  10. Weird, koala's sleep 23 hours a day. What would motivate a koala to go so far off the tree?
  11. Just thinking outside the box. If planes streamed real time flight data to the air controller. They could invent some control mechanism for the air traffic controller to take over control of the plane and prevent these crashes. Or 911 for that matter.
  12. Hard as Chinese algebra! Saw that in some movie recently
  13. Personally I like Rodger. I wont bag on an ex Buffalo guy. Plus he was dealt a tough hand with a lot of issues. I think he is doing a good job. Go Rodger!
  14. Jason Peters was drafted as a TE! Pat Kirwan and Jim Miller agreed our roster is loaded. That's a great problem. QB has the biggest question mark but I'm hoping EJ steps up and takes control! Go EJ! Go Bills
  15. IMHO the Bills might have drafted Brett Hundley in the fifth round but the Packers surprised everyone by taking him a few picks before Buffalo. Same thing happened with Kirk Cousins the year he was draft one pick before Buffalo by the Redskins. I think the Bills have been snake bit by waiting for the QB being picked where he should be picked rather than taking him one round earlier than their board has him. Just my 2 cents worth.
  16. Thought they should have taken a flyer on that Collins Tackle
  17. Can I increase my ticket count to 15 or 20? Not sure what I originally said, but I am like the prodigal son and everyone wants to go to the opener. I even have friends flying in from Panama who are expats from Canada. I could even go to 20 tixs.
  18. This started me thinking about how does one signal to the slower driver that they are impeding the flow of traffic and should move to the right hand lane. Personal experience, when I have someone crowding my ass I take that as the signal and move over. As our dash cam video above shows, the pickup driver interpreted the camero driver as being an aggressive jerk and decided to retaliate by blocking them in. In my younger I may have done the same thing, now I just move over and forget about it. My question is, what is the correct way to get the driver ahead of you to recognize the fact they are impeding traffic and should move over? (Assuming there is no other way to pass the slower vehicle and there is a right lane to move over into) A lot of drivers get all defensive and retaliate which is why I don't crowd people anymore either. Even flashing your lights can be interpreted as being an aggressive jerk?
  19. Ya I believe in it, cause if it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any at all.
  20. Rich, good looking, fun to be with, not a B word to be around. In that order.
  21. I have to build the smaller house as part of a strategy to sell the ranch it will sit on. It is not going to be a quick sale so I have to manage the ranch until it does sell. When that happens I can move to Buffalo. The loft I really wanted to buy sold, which sucks. I probably wont move to Buffalo for 6 to 18 months.
  22. Louis CK does a good comic standup routine that fits this nicely. People get behind the wheel of a car and do things not remotely acceptable in society and would never do face to face with someone. I guess it's like the internet troll syndrome. Some people think they are anonymous and can get away with being a d-bag.
  23. I have a Suzuki Boulevard 750cc. Its a great bike, cruiser style, looks like a Harley. Now that I'm more experienced would like a larger bike. This one is for sale, I'll give you the discount price of $3000. It has low miles 2832.
  24. Not happy, going to sell it and build a new smaller house.
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