Yes I agree with that logic, but the abruptly breaking it off has me scratching my head. I really liked that woman and I thought she really liked me.
lol funny!
Meeting a woman for the first over coffee. Should be interesting, I'm taking a poll, (I'm new to dating again since forever) if a chick says she wants to keep it just friends and no sex initially does she really mean she wants to bang like a rabbit?
The play that sticks out in my mind the most was the TE Graham jumping over Gilmore. If he put his arms out or even stands up Graham gets tangled up and crashes to the ground. I thought that play exposed him the most.
Good one. I voted for it since it was a tax on hotel rooms. But Spanos does not deserve to own a team. He should pay for the stadium himself. What business owner asks the government or local people to pay for a new building for a place to run my company? That's bull ****! The Chargers can leave, don't let the door hit ya on the way out Spanos!
Hands down Will Ferrell, every character he plays is exactly the same and he is not funny.
Female actresses, Scarlet Johannsen perhaps, her facial expression never changes. maybe if she was giving me head I wouldnt care so much.
This is the scariest premise since seat belts were rammed down our throats. You can disguise everything in the name of safety. Our personal freedoms are doomed. Might as well strap a go pro to my head and jam a gps up my ass now and get it over with. Big brother is watching.
No I havn't had that problem, but this seems like the right thread to bring this up, my dick keeps dunking in the water when I sit on the seat, that water is really cold, any suggestions?
In high school I rode my bike 15 miles each way to school. I gashed my knee tobogganing and had to walk home 2 miles. Only to be told its no big deal, walking to the hospital and got 15 stitches. Got stabbed in the leg by a neighbor and my Mom stuffed it with vaseline to stop the bleeding. That was the extent of the medical treatment for that wound.
I once drove from Toronto to Fort Erie on the QEW when it was completely closed. We would speed up to 60 miles an hour and smash thru drifts to get our way home.
Everyone is a f-in kitty in my books.
Go for it Chef. If you want to add sausage I make my own Sicilian sausage (recipe I got from my Uncle in law, butcher from Aspra) I highly recommend retiring. I've been self employed for a long time now and love it.