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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. We cant develop hydrogen cell technology for the masses soon enough. That will really reduce our dependance on oil.
  2. No reason to be so drastic. There is a another solution along those lines. I think women in Cal. on welfare are mandatorily given an implant that is like the pill. If you go off welfare then the implant would be removed. I'm not 100% sure of this in every case but did know a family where this was the case. There were other circumstances in this family that may have been the real reason and not welfare alone. So if I am incorrect please dont flame me. But it does touch on the solution mentioned above without being so drastic.
  3. I agree with the underlying sentiment here. This question is a womans right to choose. If some people dont agree, they have their right to an opinion.
  4. There are so many threads within threads on this thread that I'm not sure if your refering to my reply or someone else's?
  5. Why does it bother you to even care about a bumper sticker on someone's car? It's their car, leave it alone. I couldn't car if a person has a Nixon sticker on their Buick. It's kind of retro old school.
  6. Also everyone is missing the point. It's not your decision to make for every woman in America, you can have your opinion. But dont ram your opinion down everyone else's throat. What if I belonged to the Tofu society and we lobbied congress and got a bill approved that you must eat Tofu every day for lunch and dinner because it is good for you. Wouldnt you say, I hate Tofu, if you want to eat everyday thats great but leave me out of it ? Same thing in my eyes.
  7. Un planned and unwanted are too very different things. I'm assuming your Mom was adult and married and in a position to deal with a child. 15 and 16 year old girls are not prepared mentally and financially to deal with the riigors of raising a child. Hell, I'm in my 40's and struggle.
  8. I'll take a shot at answering your question becuase in my mind this is how it shakes out. 1) I dont think a collection of cells at around 8 weeks is really a baby. 2) Who are you to force a woman to have a child she does not want. 3) You'll be the same person bitching about a welfare mom that cant support a child. Maybe dont force her to have a child in the first place. 4) Abortions if abolished will go underground where many woman will die and be harmed from underground abortion clinics. Think about this, if your daughter became pregnant before mentally and financially ready to handle it, would you prefer she had a real choice with real doctors in a safe environment? I know I would, and saying dont get pregnant first off is not a solution. Its sticking your head in the sand. I have taught my daughter to wait for marriage. But just in case.
  9. One game at a time. I'm just happy at the moment that we play respectable again.
  10. Fortunately that guy is in the minority. My son played on a mostly black football team and everyone was very kind and gracious. All of the parents were there for the fun for their kids.
  11. My son picked up his reserved copy as well and has been having a ball with it !
  12. I have bashed Drew as much as the next guy. But Drew is playing better by Willis taking the load off of his shoulders. 1) Drew actually spun out of a defenders grasp which would not have happened ear;ier in the year. 2) He took off running a couple of times. 3) And here is the biggie, Willis is getting 30+ plus carries so Drew can play action easier and the defenders are not blitzing every down like earlier in the year. 3a) By the defenders not blitzing as much, the OL is magically starting to look better. 3b) Willis is a better pass blocker as well In conclusion, Willis is bringing up everyones play by his ability to run the ball.
  13. I hope your right ! It would be sweet for sure ! I'll rooting for the Bills to win of course !
  14. And dont forget the trusty generic name 'Slick'
  15. I have an interesting turn down story. I met this super gorgeous chick in a bar in Ridgeway, Ont. Canada. We were digging each other and wanted to take it to the next level when she says she belongs to a witches coven and the warlock would be pissed if we did it ! I tried to convince her to no avail. ! Imagine being turned down by a gorgeous witch !
  16. Amazing runs when he sheds about 10 tackles and keeps on going !
  17. The sex change operation was a success then ?
  18. I've seen Stomp 3 times and enjoyed it every time !
  19. My mother in law showed me a picture of John Kerry's daughter in a see thru dress for the Cannes film festival. She has a nice rack !
  20. Earlier posts have covered the OL and defenses blitzing us way more than other teams with so called good O-Lines. Defenses know Bledsoe gets rattled easily and cant evade the rush so they blitz way more than they would other teams. When JP or any other QB comes in for us and shows the ability to evade the rush and not get rattled then the blitzing will decrease to a normal level and the OL will magically look better.
  21. Campy, if you answered this on the other thread I apologize. I noticed your French answer to the guy from France. Est que vous parle Francais?
  22. How long will Ty Law be out?
  23. That reply can be construed this way. Most think that Drew is done and should be benched. That would translate that Shane and JP Losman are even worse ! So why did TD draft them if they suck that bad? Come on TD, answer the friggen question truthfully. I guess the better question would be When will JP Losman be considered 100% healthy?
  24. Wasn't Big Sam upset they were holding him because he could rush and disrupt plays behind the LOS? Maybe he got his wish and Jerry Gray has unleashed the monster !
  25. A win is still a win. Maybe these guys can get some confidence and pride back and play even better against the Jets !
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