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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. It must have been sheer pride that let him get up from that. Tomorrow he will be hobbled.
  2. We torched them like a wildfire with the wind blowing in our face ! oops, that not a good scenerio at all !
  3. He had far more unfettered failed attempts versus when he was sacked or presurred. Kudos to the OL ! Lumps of coal for Drew ! Gold watched for the OL !
  4. I disagree completely. This OL gave Drew the best protection of the year. No one came close tonite excpet a few times. Their best pass protection effort of the year.
  5. Start JP at this point. He needs the work to get up too speed !
  6. Probably MM will start Bledsoe until we are mathematically eliminated. But I would name JP the starter at this point. It is all academic at this point. What have we got to lose? I'm glad MM let JP get some reps. Maybe JP will now realize that he has a ways too go before being a real Qb inthe NFL and study accordingly.
  7. I hope JP learns how much he has yet too learn ! I would start him he rest of the year and let him learn on the job. There is no reason to start Bledsoe anymore !
  8. I agree ! I wish they started JP at the start of the second half !
  9. This is a theoretical discussion. Assuming OBL launches a WMD and kills millions of Americans, what is the American response? You can be sure, it wont be lets not offend the Muslims now, there not all bad. It will be a swift severe response. So I am asking what the consensus is. Can I assume you would want to wait and take a measured response and basically do nothing?
  10. Looking at the schedule. If we can win tomorrow/today in New England then the rest of the games look very winnable. That Pittsburgh game at the end looks very losable right now. Maybe Pitt will be resting their starters by then.
  11. I always root for the win. Becuase losing really sucks !
  12. It's a question based on a theoritcal scenerio raised earlier in the thread. That OBL has religious permission to nuk/germ/chemical bomb the USA killing millions of Americans. Since we know OBL has no qualms about about killing Americans it isn't all that crazy of a question since Iran is trying to get a nuclear reactor built for 'energy reasons' So I was asking to see if other posters would feel the same way I would if such a scenerio ever played out. So whats your problem with my asking this question? If you dont like the question, dont respond. A smart remark such as 'get a grip' is only condenscending, arrogant, rude and unnecessary.
  13. I saw a story today where the Nederlands police/army raided a Muslim terrorist training facilty and arrested 29 people.
  14. Hydrogen cell technology is pretty much ready to go. It just would be stepped up big time.
  15. He should be prevented from playing that game. The object of the game is not to injury people.
  16. Who knows what is the truth. I certainly dont. But if OBL does detonate a weapon like a nuclear weapon or biological or chemical weapons killing millions of Americans, do we then have the moral high ground to level Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran or any country in the region that is deemed to be OBL territory? IMHO I say YES ! Assuming everyone agrees yes. Why doesn't President Bush issue a statement to OBL over Aj Jazeer TV stating that any such action would be met with the complete and utter destruction of the land and people he professes to love. Evolution is beautiful thing. Imagine a world without Muslims. IMHO it is a happier place.
  17. Your explanation is why some people believe religion was created to prevent all out anarchy and be able to live a somewhat peaceful life. Without religion there would be no orderly society. Some people believe religion was created as a control mechanism to prevent chaos. Now that we have firm governments to establish an orderly society, some people believe religion is no longer needed to control the masses.
  18. Good points. Lots of Willis Mcgahee in the red zone. Take the game out of Drew's hands and put it on the RB's and we have a shot.
  19. History is not on our side but there is always a first time for everything and all streaks come to an end at some point.
  20. I agree with this. New England is the big hurdle. The rest of the games are winnable. Except Pittsburgh at the end and hopefully they are resting their starters at that point.
  21. Amazing stuff ! God bless America and our troops !
  22. Just out of curiousity, what is up with the 'My bad' thing? It is bad english and means absolutely nothing?
  23. There are alot of funny statements in this report from the protestors. Now if I followed it correctly the Arab/Muslim demonstrators were protesting that the Republicans are bigots and racists against Palestinian woman? What a joke, maybe they should go to a muslim country and start protesting and trying to vote and enjoying the freedoms they have here. They maybe in for a rude awakening about who really despises and mistreats who. And in that vein, if they would never want to call themselves American's why do they come here for an education and live here? Go back to your mud hut or tent or whatever and live happily. No one is forcing them to stay here? Stuff like that just chaps my hyde. I think those Repub. students should carry baseball bats for protection, if threatened physically take appropriate action. Batter's up !
  24. If left unchecked, the future holds all out war between Muslims and everyone else in a struggle for survival. May the best man win. Evolution continues. I dont want to convert to Muslim so I hope we win.
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