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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. I noticed that Bush will ask for a 81 Billion doolar supllement for Iraq. Now I support the troops and now that they are there we have to support them. But was this all really necessary to start with ? 81 Billion dollars could have been spent on health care, or domestic infrastructure, or anyhting that stays home instead of overseas. I just dont get it. The USA needs to rebuild the homeland before rebuilding the rest of the world.
  2. Definately, bad time management. I mentioned a few times at my house they should have spiked the ball to stop the clock or do sideline routes to go out of bounds. They could have had two or three minutes for their final drive instead of 50 seconds.
  3. I think teams have to just run the ball to really beat BB. Whenever you start throwing the ball, you open yourself up to the possibility of an interception.
  4. Not so, I enjoy all of the current music, probably even more than my kids do ! They tell me to turn down the volume ! Anyways, put away the broad brush your painting with. So you equate McCartney as boring as Benny Goodman? Who is good currently in your opinion?
  5. Awesome show by McCartney ! I had goose bumps !
  6. My daughter is 12 years old and very responsible for her age. I still wont let her go the mall or movies alone. She has to be with her friends, with a cell phone, and a specific agenda to stick to. I drop her off and pick her up at designated times. But my daughter is cautious, wise beyond her years and very trust worthy. So you really have to go by your gut instinct on what is right or wrong for your child.
  7. Your right ! Until you have your own kids, dont dispense child rearing advice. Until you are a parent yourself, you havn't got a friggin clue about the emotions, fears, joys and stresses of being a parent.
  8. Toronto during the early 1800's. Check out the links at www.toronto.com And some people look at Canada as America Jr. ! sh-- Canada is way ahead of America in alot of ways. We should call Canada the conscience and governmental social compassion that America is afraid to have but really wants.
  9. How many people live in Toronto and the surrounding areas now?
  10. How many people live in Toronto ? Can they support/sellout an NFL game? Would they play in the dome where the Blue Jays play? Can I help purchase the franchise ? I have about 1 million US to invest. How much would that be in Canadian dollars? 2 million maybe?
  11. Yes, I'm up early getting a few things done while the house is still quiet. I like to do online research when the net is fast and everything is quiet so I can think about the real estate transactions I come across. It's hard to make good decisions when kids are loose and running about ! How come this is your first weekend off ? Where do you work to be busy so much?
  12. Good to hear from you Moose ! How's the artwork coming along these days?
  13. Wings, Celery, blue cheese and Corona's here at our house !
  14. He sounds like he went for the money instead of the ring.
  15. The more I think about it. Everybody will lie and say they scored very high compared to what they see on here. So I'll say I scored a 10.
  16. That is so heart and gut wrenching. Before flicking the switch, smash their toes and pull out their toe nails. Why would God allow this to happen ?
  17. Dude you must not know alot about Canada. In a lot of ways Canada is superior to the USA. I'm a citizen of both countries and can see the pro and cons on each side of the fence.
  18. Is he Ted's brother?
  19. His job is hard enough without hen pecking him on every comment he makes. Besides I would have to see the whole conversation to see how these statements are in context of the whole conversation. Sound bites can be very misleading.
  20. They should always just have the Superbowl in San Diego. Today was 73 degrees, blue skies and breezy.
  21. I am looking for info about shipping costs for 20 or 40 containers from Europe to here in San Diego assuming maximum weight allowed will be met. I want to get a general idea of the costs involved without contacting a dozen companies to get the needed info. I am doing a feasibility analysis and trying to get my arms around the costs involved.
  22. A REAL hero and soldier, we all owe him and the other servicemen and servicewoman a large debt of gratitude and support. Thanks for the link, to read about a very brave American hero !
  23. Good luck with that ! It sounds like a good gig if you can get it !
  24. They should put a camera in each end of the football itself. Imagine the view as the ball is hurling thru space into the WR's hands ! Now that would be a great shot !
  25. Always in stock here in San Diego.
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