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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. I'm going to wait untill week 17 of the season before making any judgements !
  2. Thanks for the info Hammer. I'm very serious about buying a rig and taking a big trip this summer which includes hitting that area for a while and taking in a game.
  3. Heh ! You have to remain positive. JP could rip it up next year and playoffs here we come !
  4. and going to camp in the Meyer's lot. Any tips suggestions about arrival times, good times, hook ups ? BBQ tips? I wish it could be for the home opener but the schedule doesn't allow it !
  5. Yup ! Kudos to JP ! Go Bills !
  6. I'm happy ! It will be great to see JP get started in Buffalo ! The kid has mad skills !
  7. I've lived in mostly black and mostly mexican neighborhoods and have never had so much as a sideways look ! You just happen to come across one jerk, let it slide and forget about it !
  8. We will find out this year. I predict a large drop off for NE this year. I would expect they miss the playoffs completely.
  9. There are always good examples as well. San Diego's City planning department is unionized and is pretty damn efficient for how busy it is on any given day.
  10. Thats if they start losing. What if they start winning? Will you still pine for Drew?
  11. Good news ! I hope Drew stays as the backup !
  12. Death of a Saleman is a masterpiece ! But damn I wanted to commit suicide after seeing that, I was so depressed after being drawn into the character of Willy Loman !
  13. Excellent news ! I'm going to attend a few games in Buffalo next year to experience the positive vibe !
  14. I agree Moose. There are some positive things that Unions provide but when they push for things beyond reasonable limits they become an albatross around the companies neck. Unions need to realize this or face extinction.
  15. It's interesting to see how a thread can evolve into completely different topics from it's origins ! Kind of like the things being debated in the thread itself.
  16. So what is the state tax in Colorado ? Price of gas? Price of house in the Denver area? And real estate taxes in Colorado? Just curious
  17. The leap is that Bush espouses the moral majority right and its values and he sets an agenda of abortion, supreme court judges, education etc. based on the moral majority dictum. Forget that the government should be religion neutral, abortion is a religious issue not a government issue. Then we as American's look at the Iran's of the world and scoff becuase their government is so dominated by the Muslim religion. Well ours is as well. Now this underwear law is just a reflection of the moral majority not condoning RAP music and it's style of clothes. I dont like the baggy pants either, but I wouldnt pass a law against it either. It is just a fad and will go by the wayside like every other fad. And of course let me also toss in just for laughs that this is all Bledsoe's fault because he voted for Bush.
  18. oh ! And let me add that this is Bledsoe's fault as well !
  19. I'm glad people are starting wake up and see this nonsense for what it is. The USA is becoming one giant HOA dictated by the Moral Majority. Our freedoms are eroding quicker from within than any outside influence can effect. Please can we maintain a separate church and state ? And we look at the muslim countries as funny because they are dominated by the Muslim religion. Well look in our own backyard folks !
  20. And what were his throwing stats? I seem to remember some mighty awesome throws in that game.
  21. I cant believe the kid was complaining. Did his parents file the charges?
  22. Proof of UFO's ! Has SETI responded to this !
  23. Having grown up in Canada and being a dual citizen, I have the unique perspective of seeing the USA from a more neutral perspective. I think that most people outside of the USA cannot understand the USA's obsession with inter-jecting in other countries affairs. They(Other countries) have a leave em alone attitude unless there is a clear and present danger presenting itself. And as for land of the free, the government sure tells me how to live my life quite a bit. Dont get me wrong, I love living here and have no plans of moving ever. I prefer to try and vote for candidates that share goals similar to mine.
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