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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. My theory on that is that when the trade is made, the guy really is washed up. But somehow, the change of scenery, new people, the wakeup call, and a guy starts to play lights out again.
  2. I bought a Dune Buggy off a guy who always makes larger decisions by flipping a coin three times to answer the question. Majority rules. Even the decision to keep his girlfriend. I was going to buy the dune buggy off of him for $4000.00 . He flips three times a no. We up the price to $4250.00 He flips a yes three times. Deal done. TD should try this with the Shelton deal.
  3. Thanks for the link. I just spoke with Jim. This should be a blast.
  4. Way to hard to say because they are all fun for different reasons.
  5. I enjoy having Moose's artwork as my wallpaper as well. Moose we love your work !
  6. and throwing it to each other like a football. Now I have never really talked to my son about any of Bledsoe's tendancies. (He's only 11 years old.) So we are pretending to be QB's. My son says, look Dad I'm Bledsoe, He starts backing up slowly, pat, pat, pat on the the water bottle, ohhh ! I get sacked. I held the ball too long. I just about fell on the ground laughing !
  7. A five year old girl ? Come on !
  8. Heh, I think I know what your thinking. Cant someone pay another person a compliment. Your so homo phobic.
  9. Pretty impressive guns on the guy !
  10. I'm in ! Where would we hit the links and wings? I have to warn you though. I really suck at golf. But I have fun playing.
  11. Here in San Diego I was excused right away for telling them the truth that I am self employed and it would be a financial hardship to serve on a jury. In fact they have never called me since. Knock on wood.
  12. I'm movin to Buffalo ! these jobs are just incredible !
  13. Sounds bad. I had a meddling MIL and FIL. The FIL was worse, came over every day and started trying to run my house. Finally one day, I had enough, and I physically threw him off my property and told him to never return. We didn't speak for nearly a year, my wife almost divorced me over it but everything is OK now. My house is my house and nobody interfere's with my business in my house. It worked for me, but was very tramatic in getting from point A to point B. My wife was pissed that I physically threw him off the property but she understood why it came to a head like that. You have to decide if that is what you want to do. Actually my confrontation just spontaneously happened from years of putting up with his sh--.
  14. Just go to Las Vegas.
  15. So we are supposed to be mind readers? Sorry, if he says it didn't happen. You got to take him at face value.
  16. Tell them you are self employed and it would be a financial hardship. You will be excused.
  17. I thought I heard on the news that MacCauley Caulkin denies any molestation or abuse from MJ. He should know wouldnt he?
  18. Assuming there is a usable fingerprint. The finger print only would come up with match if the person has been fingerprinted for whatever reason. Not everyone in the country has their fingerprints on file somewhere. Reasons for fingerprints 1) Criminal record 2) Security Clearance 3) Real Estate Licence etc etc
  19. My son's birthday is in Jan. so he missed the cutoff date by a few days. He was bored that year, but he really did need the extra time to mature before going to school. He's still immature compared to some of the kids in his class.
  20. Congrats ! I'll pray for your children !
  21. Good idea ! Tampa Bay has their pirate ship !
  22. If the City of Buffalo can revitalize the downtown area with private funds then they should do it. A new stadium with business development around it can be a powerful spark/flame to a cities rebirth.
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