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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Yes, it's the only metric we have for the moment. But over a season and marcia not on the sideline to coach up whoever, I'm predicting 8 and 8.
  2. Let's see how good they are after Marcia leaves.
  3. Alcohol does modify your mood and reactions even with one drink. If you didn't want to modify your mood why not just drink water? That's why two drinks puts you over the BAC to drive a car. I don't drink alcohol or use marijuana anymore and I recommend that people don't use either drug. But if people just used CBD's I would be all for that. It is a pain reliever with no psycho active properties.
  4. It's all the owners fault!
  5. I heard a rumor that Buff State is interested in Doug.
  6. My two cents Meet the new boss, same as the old boss or It's hard to win in the NFL
  7. There is a lot to like with this pick. Let him compete and see where the chips fall.
  8. Howard is my pick at #10. I'm calling it now.
  9. Well Brady is gay, they all must be gay!
  10. Sure, I used to follow the Chargers but they are dead to me now. My son's friend used to work in the Marketing dept. Spanos was too cheap to buy pens and notepads for the sales staff. They had to buy their own. After hearing that, I disavowed the Chargers, glad they moved. Spanos's don't deserve to own the Chargers. Certainly don't deserve a new stadium.
  11. I saw on Buzz feed that his gay lover in prison is now on suicide watch.
  12. I heard about this a few days ago on the NFL Network, havn't heard any updates since then
  13. Yup, it's a blast! Great fans there to watch the game with.
  14. I forgot about Fury! That one was awesome
  15. Slender Man? This could be the origins of Slender Man!
  16. Saving Private Ryan Hurt Locker A Few Good Men just because of a few good one liners in that movie
  17. I am actually. I have a lot of fun, go to bars with friends, dance , sing and laugh, just don't need alcohol anymore to have fun. No hangovers, don't have to worry about a DUI, don't have to worry if I said something inappropriate to anyone. Club soda with lemon is cheaper than absolut vodka or craft beers these days.
  18. If alcohol interferes in any way with your life, then by definition it is too much. I have ceased any alcohol consumption for quite some time now and my life is infinitely better. Alcohol did not enhance or improve my life. It only had negative effects. The problem with alcohol is that it distorts your perception of reality and you only think it doesn't negatively affect your life. My advice would be to never consume alcohol anytime, anywhere, ever.
  19. You are correct, Spanos really crapped the bed on this issue. There were banks lining up to lend him the money to build the stadium. This move is all on Spanos, he could have stepped up and built a stadium. The Spanos's are just tightwads and deserve all the crap they get, I hope the Chargers brand get runs into the ground up in LA and he sells the team to a real owner and they move back to SD. Maybe this is the NFL's plan all along?
  20. What's sad is that Dean Spanos won't pony up the dough to build a stadium. Why should the citizens of San Diego pay for his workplace? Pay for it yourself Spanos! Tightwad!
  21. Good! Worst owner in the NFL today!
  22. Good! Bye Spanos! Don't let the door hit ya on the way out. And sell the team to an owner who actually has some money to invest in the team. Tightwad owner. Makes Ralph seems like a zillionaire with a penchant for spending money.
  23. I just cant excited about Norv as OC. Screams retread to me.
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