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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Thank you. Dont pass me the koolaid just yet !
  2. Really, it's not rocket science. You see a guy coming your way, knock him on his ass.
  3. Certainly could help him practice his delayed blitz pickups ! I like that he is 6 foot 5 and 311 pounds. He should be able to anchor that center position and not get blown backwards.
  4. Good point. Let's hope this isnt the case with Preston.
  5. At least his Dad must have coached him about how to do it right in the NFL.
  6. They are just a head hunter. They are going to love you because they see you as a walking piece of money.
  7. Would that be St. Catherines? or farther north in Toronto ?
  8. My Father in Law died on Tuesday morning. I'll be at his funeral on Saturday.
  9. Is that the one with the lyrics 'Spill wine, dig that girl '
  10. In the Summertime by Mungo Jerry
  11. Entrepreneur. Starting up another business as we speak. Storage business. I have in the past performed these tasks and roles 1) Software Engineer 2) Dept. Manager 3) CTO 4) CEO of my own startup company 5) Real Estate Appraiser 6) Real Estate Agent 7) Data Entry for accounting firm in LA 8) Fast Food Cook 9) Dishwasher 10) Race Horse Groom 11) Steel Mill laboror 12) Factory Worker - many different factories 13) Department Store Clerk 14) Painter 15) Mink farm worker 16) Salesman for various products
  12. God dont say that. You will bring down the wrath of many who just because they pay taxes, will criticize you for being lazy, overpaid, stupid, your job must be easy, anyone can do it for $3.00 bucks an hour and you should never have a vacation, just because their taxes may be applied in small part to your salary. I have had teacher salary arguments with people here in the past.
  13. I live in San Diego and always take my passport when visiting Mexico. Similar to the Fort Erie comparison. I find it no more inconvenient than carrying a drivers license. It's what you get used too I guess.
  14. How about some of the small town papers like the Olean Times, Niagara Falls, papers etc.
  15. I saw a jeep driving down Governor Drive with a Buffalo Bills license plate holder. That is something I havn't seen in UC ever, that I remember. I tried to honk and get the guys attention but he didnt notice me. Anyways, I wanted to know if that same person posts on this board?
  16. sleeper pick stock is rising stock is falling
  17. If you really love the house then go for it. Just have a professional home inspector go thru the house and look for problems. Have a contingency to back out of the deal if the inspector gives you a report that makes you nervous. After that, dont worry and enjoy your new house.
  18. Dont be such a kitty. Just go in there and chat with the person. If they dont like you, screw them. It is their loss not yours.
  19. That was definately fake. Look at the guy in the first frame before he lays down. This is some sort of frame built around him. Then all of the people seem way too ready to pounce if any trouble. Like it was all staged.
  20. I think Travis will have a chip on his shoulder the size of Manhattan and play lights out this year for whoever he signs with.
  21. I'm partial to Mexican beers like Corona, Modelo and Pacifico as a last resort.
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