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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Does your husband know you prefer fish to beef ?
  2. My ancestry goes back to Ireland pretty quickly. My grandmother came to the States thru Ellis Island around 1915 I would guess.
  3. My commute is to shuffle down the hall into my home office. If the pantry door is left open it does cause a traffic jam. Quick commute time though.
  4. I wanted to clear up the $84 buck a month I pay 1) 4 TV's in my house 2) HBO, Showtime, 3) Sports Package 4) HD package 5) Replacement insurance of any equip.Including HD upgrades 6) Local channels If eliminated most of the above it would be around $45.00 bucks a month
  5. In the last 5 to 7 years I have never had a problem. The only time they come out is to upgrade my equipment. High Def is fantastic as well as NFL Sunday ticket and the NFL network. How is Sunday Ticket on cable ? Ooops sorry I forgot. High Def NFL games are a real treat. I pay about 84 bucks a month for all the sports and movie channels I have added.
  6. Not like a cable on a pole has ever been knocked out on a cold stormy winter night in Western NY.
  7. Directtv has the exclusive contract for many more years. You better subscribe to Directv now. The only real hope is if DirectTV does buy Time Warner cable.
  8. 1) Wife was from San Diego and we had better job opportunity in San Diego and LA 2) San Diego 3) My new home in San Diego is very nice but obcenely expensive. I am considering buying a $ 1,200,000 fixer upper in La Jolla. 4) I would consider moving back after my kids go to college. 5) I have no idea how to fix the problems. To much government. But the real problem is too attract new industry and business to Buffalo. Make incentive deals to attract companies. Free land, no taxes for 5 years, etc.
  9. Walk along that famous road in Paris (Champs De Something) and you'll see plenty of bad driving and road rage.
  10. Another news flash. The salary cap is difficult to manage and remain competitive at the same time.
  11. Is that the Hale Bopp comet guy in your avatar?
  12. I rarely see any movies at the cinema anymore. $20 to see a movie and have annoying people making noise behind me just doesn't cut it anymore for me. Netflix fans unite.
  13. Great photo's of your family ! Those ribs look really good !
  14. Is there an owl loose in here ?
  15. Just keep a napkin handy in case you get lucky.
  16. You should visit San Diego. Hang out around La Jolla, you might add another hottie place to visit.
  17. Tater that is a disgusting avatar.
  18. Go to to Toronto opr Ottawa and see them there !
  19. I always use a turkey fryer for about 10 to 20 lbs of wings. They always turn out great. Especially with sauce from the Anchor bar and cold Corona's
  20. God damnit we are not ! Prayers with your family #89
  21. Your avatar is really creepy
  22. Your avatar. Is that the Hail Bop Comet guy ?
  23. Interesting question. If an earthqauke was centered in Lake Erie. would a tsunami result from it ?
  24. Can someone post the exact link. I cant seem to find the story being discussed here.
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