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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Put me down for eight seats. Can we get 16 more ? This is the way I would love to see a Bills game for a change. Seriously. I just spent $1,000 to take eight friends and family to the Bills - San Diego game.
  2. I was thinking of Sister Mary Elephant ! QUIET !
  3. I just noticed your signature line ! Hysterical ! Although wouldn't that piss off all of the wives and girlfriends ? Unless... ? The joke possiblities are endless !
  4. I agree ! And Go Bills !
  5. Interesting opinion. Fortunately there will be heavy doses of Willis and the TE position to keep pressure off of JP while he learns the position. He wont have to roll out and be expected to make the throw very often. A lot of hand offs to Willis until the DE's respect the run and then JP will have time to roll out and throw.
  6. Good job. It's interesting to see that the OL is highest paid section on the whole for the most part. Who says TD doesn't pay attention to the OL.
  7. The Old Fort Erie is always good for an afternoon outing. The kids will like it as well !
  8. The gorge farther down from the Falls on the Canadian side has some great walking trails and the kids will find it amazing. It is like walking into a another world. I always remember that place as a kid and always return there on visits for hikes again and again.
  9. I really admire JP and his family and how he toughed it out and became a success. I think this kid is well grounded and will be a very talented QB. We are lucky to have him on our team. Go Bills !
  10. I just said a prayer.
  11. It has references to cheer leaders, lesbians, gays and sex. Why wouldn't it be at 50:1 ratio's ?
  12. 'Splish Splash I was takin a bath' for the baptism part ?
  13. How old is Michellle ? She looks adult to me ! Girls need to have a large 'C' put on their shirts if they are under age. Some girls just look way more mature than their cronological age.
  14. 64 more days ! Training camp right around the corner !
  15. Try cheating at cards or something like that and they will give you a tour of the back rooms and alleys. Also you will meet a few guys named Vinnie and Guido. Should be a blast. Let me know how you like the inside tour.
  16. In San Diego you will have no problem. Mosdt everyone is from somewhere else in San Diego and there is a great deal of tolorance for out of town guests and fans. Unless you are the biggest jerk this side of the Mississipi, you will have a great time. November 20th will be no different. Should be a great game between the Bills and the CHargers.
  17. Great rendition of the anthem. It's classic Jimmi ! How could anyone be offended ?
  18. There was a report that Osama Bin Laden was hiding out on the comet. So it was a military strike. Watch Al Jazeer TV for any responses from the Al Queida network.
  19. You did say they were Dolphin fans. They can be turned out as ho's !
  20. How could you forget 'Salt and Peppa' ? Push it ! Push it real good !
  21. At last a civilized country recognizes what is right for a lot of people.
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