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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. I'll be there ! At the SDBB tail gate as well !
  2. I'm on a trip today and wont be back in time. Dont have TIVO so will pay for someone to record on DVD the games. Thanks let me know !
  3. Can someone record this and put it on DVD it for me ? I missed it today. Had to work and I leave on a trip tomorrow. Actually if you can record the next pre-season again as well. I will pay you for your services.
  4. I think ICE has hacked LA's password. What other explanation is there ?
  5. Doh !!!!! He'll never live that one down.
  6. Have a fun day Cable !
  7. I watched the NO Huddle for the Bills game and liked the format. I wished they showed more Bills stuff. But it was better than nothing. Come on Monday so I can watch the replay.
  8. Dang ! I love your avatar ! Who is that ?
  9. Why ? They dont respect ours !
  10. Caught a 9mm in the left temple in the New Jersey woods !
  11. I like the sacrcasm of the review !
  12. I always have surguries for sprains ! Don't you ?
  13. Speaking of shale. Any real estate agents that have listings where I can set up a mining operation ?
  14. I wonder if that machine needed to smoke a cigarette afterwards ?
  15. That got posted just before I posted my question. Meaning, I didn't see it when reading thru. So no need for sarcasm, Dude !
  16. I'm not seeing this reported anywhere ? Links please !
  17. Can you say cancer on the team ?
  18. Sounds very admirable of you. Just dont go to Iran, Iraq or Aphganistan. Basically any Muslim country.
  19. Why blame the video game. maybe he was popping drugs which caused his heart to stop. An autopsy would be needed to determine death.
  20. Why do they even bother keeping this guy around ? Has he even put on the jersey once ?
  21. You might be the last guy using that style dish.
  22. I've read all of the points and counter points made in this thread. It seems like a good idea to pick up Corey Simon.
  23. Rent and watch the movie 'Meet the Parents !' It should set a good tone for your visit !
  24. Oh my God, we are all DOOMED !
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