I understand your point. This forces Jerry Gray to come up with a new plan becuase it wasn' working before either ! Losing TKO forces him to come up with a new plan. If TKO was here, he would be tempted to stay with the status quo and that wasn't really working .
Let's hope Jerry can scheme a good scheme !
than the defense. This is where I am surprized. We all felt that the defense would keep the game close so wthe offense could struggle but we could still win.
Well the offense has been OK. I am happy with Jp's play. He is doing good. The offense line needs to pass protect better.
The defense has been the let down. They are porous and cant stop anybody. Until the defense shows up to play. We will continue to lose games.
ragging on the offense is misplaced. The offense did OK today. They played well enough to win. It was the defense that couldn't stop anything. The defense really blew goats this afternoon. it was pathetic. How many times did Atlanta punt ? Once maybe ?
Die hard fans know when the sh-- has hit the fan and their is no hope. by the way. I didn't bale out during the Houston game !
But I do know the difference !
Thats like saying, who would have thought that the New Orleans pump guys would have the most overtime in their budget. It means the disaster scenerio is playing out !
Yes I have been a Bills fan for about 35 years now. I know when the season is done. Yes, I will watch all of the games and root for the Bills, but make no mistake. We are done for the year ! No playoffs again this year !