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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. I like Jon Runyon as well !
  2. game. He would be a good pickup if you ask me.
  3. After reading RW's comments made after the game I would bet money that TD and a few scouts are gone. Also a few asst. coaches will be gone. MM will stay.
  4. Really, you people are "Dawgged" ! River comes off the bench, the last game of the year, no reps in practice or no reps for the year for that matter and plays OK in the pouring rain, and you are critiqing him ? All of you shake your collective heads and breathe ! Really ! It's really scary if you are bashing Rivers in this game. I pray for JP, you guys are really scary !
  5. He has done far worse.
  6. Can they land on Goat Island awaiting rescue ?
  7. The word lukewarm comes to mind !
  8. I thought Rivers looked good for a start with no reps in practice and pouring rain and first ever against starters. But heh your right, he should have thrown for 400 yards and 4 TD's !
  9. We need a better OL to make a comparison. This OL is so sad that Willis cant do anything really.
  10. Is this like reverse logic ? Now for sure he is gone ?
  11. I love that line. The Bills better show up with 3 hours of work in mind if they want to win. Good job as usual Lori !
  12. No. QB is not our problem spot. The OL is main problem. Followed by DL. Fix those two things and we have a playoff caliber team.
  13. Brilliant ! These would be good moves. I would still like a better DE for additional DL pressure.
  14. She makes boatloads of money. That makes her smart in my books.
  15. Interesting choice to say the least. Who would the new GM be ? Savage?
  16. Who says we are keeping TD ?
  17. We can only hope this was the crystallyzing moment for MM and the Bills.
  18. Nothing. QB is not our problem. The OL is the problem.
  19. I agree ! we have a lot of talent at the skill positions but not at the Line positions. Upgrade there and we have a good team again.
  20. There ae two big problems. 1) TD has to go because of drafting failures. 2) MM can stay, but we need a real OC that can playcall a game with and make adjustments on the fly. 3)Draft and get FA to repair both OLine and DLine and we will be going to the playoffs again.
  21. Excatly ! MM cant do those adjustments. Since he took over for TC. We need a new OC that can do the job on game day and adjust to the defense on the fly.
  22. And why they are so successful. MM scripts these from the comfort of his office when he can think about each play and possible success of them. They have been very successful this year. The opening drives are usually impressive. After the script runs out and he has to play call on the fly he cannot do it. He always gets overwhelmed and makes bad play calls. I think that TD needs to go because he is not adequately stocking the shelves. Gray and TC have to go. Gray because he cannot do anything except blitz. He cannot adjust or adapt. I think MM should stay actually. The players come prepared to play. It's his play calling that sucks. We need a new OC that can call plays live and make adjustments on the fly. So lets get a brilliant OC to game plan and play call ! Who ever that may be. MM can stay !
  23. San Diego paper said the spread was 9.5
  24. Heh Ed Roch try this cam view. It's hi res and I can see some ice at the bottom but is not frozen thats for sure. Link to hi res cam
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