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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Interesting pick. He is the DC for Pats currently ?
  2. My fav. Bill player would have to be Jim Kelly !
  3. I think my all time favorite is Muhamed Ali !
  4. Bo Jackson was always awesome to watch ! It's a shame about his hip.
  5. What has he done to merit a look see ? No thanks ! I'll pass on this guy !
  6. That phrase about heat and the kitchen thing comes to mind. If MM wants to quit, I would accept his resignation and dont let the door hit ya where the lord split ya !
  7. I usually answer with I just bought (whatever service or product they are selling) and dont need any more ! Shuts them down every time.
  8. Archie Manning I tell ya ! The PR would fantastic !
  9. Sarcasm my friend. Those posts are being sarcastic !
  10. I wonder if Archie Manning would consider starting QB again ?
  11. That was a spiffy trick play. It only worked because the run game was working so well. Bettis was just pounding the ball the previous 5 run plays.
  12. Inquiring minds would like to know ! I think he would be a great hire for us ! A Belichek disciple, maybe he could get that 300 lb. gorilla off of our backs !
  13. I havn't seen the ad but you got just laugh along with these sort of things !
  14. There are some good candidates there. I like the sound of Norv Turner as OC. Former HC's moving back toa co-ord. position usually do very well. Norv has been successful as an OC.
  15. Maybe he likes a good challenge !
  16. I thought Vince Young declared and he's not on the list ?
  17. Double Yummy ! Send her over right away !
  18. Now that would be a great OL. We can only hope and pray !
  19. I think this is good news for MM. Because he was heavily criticized for bad play calling. If TC was making the calls it takes MM off the hook and out of the doghouse in my opinion.
  20. Did you watch Eli play yesterday ? I'll pass on Eli. Even JP's worst game didnt look that bad.
  21. If I wanted any lip from you folks I would shake my zipper ! Now you all can STFU and listen to me about whats right and wrong.
  22. Yes it does, just search for the word Jerry !
  23. More motivation to win. If your a winner everyone loves you !
  24. no, I'm not confident in Eli's ability !
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