I would say the check is confirmation that everything is OK and your business is done. I would plead to the judge that any damage occurred after your walk thru.
I saw this covered on the news this morning. What that clip doesn't show was them jawing with each other for miles before that incident. Someone made an illegal lane change, the news didn't say who, but to me it seems like the nissan driver was the aggressor to the guy on the motorcycle. I would charge the Nissan driver and not the motorcycle driver. He probably just kicked the car to tell the guy to back off. The Nissan driver over reacted.
Why is this not surprising Tom?
Myself, I like to stalk people to get out of the house at night. I enjoy taking pictures of them thru thru the windows at night? It's great exercise and I get some fresh air every night before bedtime. I've been thinking of mailing the photos to the people I take pictures of, do you think they would like these photos for their collections?
But I'm functional right?
Sorry to hear things went south. It is always for the best in the long run. Keep looking for a better job close to home. Maybe start your own business doing AR collections.
Yes, I got my BS in Computer Science. Was a software engineer for 20+ years. I'm not in the computer industry anymore but my computer skills come in handy with the computer network and printers.
I ran out of my blood pressure medicine for about 4 weeks and then finally got the prescription filled. First dose this morning and my head was spinning. I can see a stronger medication kicking in and messing Tiger up.