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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Evans is the bomb ! He played solid last year and can be our #1 !
  2. Mike Ditka is that you ?
  3. Do your fingers smell like Monkey Crap ?
  4. I got some wood after watching that. Now I'm going to sand and polish my wood !
  5. Why are you smelling his Dad's fingers ?
  6. Thank you ! You make my point !
  7. This plane was designed for ocean crossing routes like US to Europe routes. British Airways and the likes of them will be buying them like crazy ! Australia, Asia are all perfect routes and customers for these bad boys !
  8. Thanks for the answer Mr. Dean. I read and enjoy most of your posts, it really wasn't an attack on you, just a question from observations of reading your posts. You are the ultimate critic. I think the band "Gorilliaz" probably has figured out the fame thing. My son tells me that they cover their faces and no one knows what they look like. Pretty smart because they can go anywhere and not be bothered by the media or pesky fans.
  9. The Dean, I am asking this question in all honesty, not in an attacking manner. My question is why do you feel so superior in your taste's and opinion's to pass judgment on the taste's and opinion's of other people ? I've noticed this superior tone in most of your posts and I was curious about why you think that you are superior to other people ? Are you rich ? Are you famous ? Are you in a position of authority ? Are you from Texas or Maryland ? (People from Texas or Maryland seem to be very opinionated from my experiences in meeting people) Inquiring minds want to know ?
  10. That was Sonny Bono ! But they did kind of look alike.
  11. Welcome to Bills fandom !
  12. His regular season record was 54 - 38 . Thats not too shabby. Went to the plaoyoffs many times. He did a pretty good job actually. Why was he fired anyways ?
  13. It's amazing how her eyes and body are saying come hither to me !
  14. I like that you can see her vulva's popping out in those pants ! Yummy !
  15. There is a younger black ref. I cant think of his name but him and Ed have got to be the two best refs in the game.
  16. It couldn't hurt to have the FBI investigate the banking records of the refs and see if any money has changed hands. Lets get rid of any bad apples if they exist so we can move forward without suspicions. The possibility of corrupt refs. does exist and the NFL would be wise to do regular audits of refs to insure a clean game and maintain a squeaky clean image.
  17. She looks of legal age, so I will say that she is pretty hot !
  18. I thought it was one of the best grammy show's I have ever seen ! Awesome performances from top to bottom. Bruce Springsteen was great, Jayz's drumline gold digger thing was awesome, Paul McCartney There was something there for everyone !
  19. When you say "Talent" Do you mean hookers ?
  20. The Mustang Ranch looks like a hoot !
  21. Gecko's live in the desert dont they ? Salamanders in forests under leaves ? Just my guess !
  22. Dont they have two or three days to bring the car back no questions asked ? I think they call it a cooling off period.
  23. Ed is the best NFl ref there is !
  24. All around back has to be Thurman. He could block better than our OL ! I remeber him flipping guys over his back ! And run sideways thru skinny holes for positive yards !
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