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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Gross ! Wouldn't that give you some sort of disease or something ?
  2. This may be an unpopular answer but Bullies only pick on people they can get away with it. Your daughter needs to pop this beotch in the nose whenever confronted by her. It will put an end to the problem. This girl will not harass your daughter if she gets hit in the nose each time she pesters your daughter. Believe it or not, my son was being harassed by a bully black girl in grade 6. (This year) He told her if she didn't back off he would kick the crap out of her. She has left him alone since. It's ugly and painful, but it is the cure.
  3. I think John Lennon dropped in on the MNF crew at half time one time. I forget who the annoucing crew was though !
  4. Bwhaaaaa ! Dem's the rules ! And dem's the breaks !
  5. Wow ! Ngata sounds like Marv's kind of character guy doesn't he ?
  6. The Nightstalker was the best ! I always enjoyed that show !
  7. Maybe he thru a fit because he wants to win ?
  8. I have not given up on Willis or JP. I think they both have big careers ahead of them as Buffalo Bills !
  9. Thats OK. We need Ngata anyways.
  10. All of the pundits at the time thought that MW was the safer and better pick. Hindsight is 20/20 vision. Not to defend TD, because he whiffed on alot of picks. But let's at least have the facts straight.
  11. Exactly. It is an upgrade to our current OL stats.
  12. Yes, somebody used to have that going ! I forget who though !
  13. All decisions good and bad stem from TD. So TD bis the biggest problem now correted. Long live Marv, the team will now move in a positive direction.
  14. I think that happens all of the time. It's a wake up call to anyone who gets fired and sometimes, alot of times, that starts the engine.
  15. I've heard a few radio personalities really blast this movie as super bad.
  16. Lets see how JP does with an improved OL before we rush to do anything. Personally I think JP will be fine. He needs time to grow and learn.
  17. I cant believe this guy is not hitting that ? They spend that much time together you would think that nature would take it's course !
  18. Are they like the SCUD's Sadaam had ?
  19. Yup, I agree, the best 15 min. of radio was truly the most info. packed 15 min. of radio on the planet. I would get all of my Bills news in a compressed convienent format. Almost as good was Bill Werndell and the Werndell wire because him and TD were buddies and he always had the best Bills scoops. I think Werndell moved to 1090 or something. I kind of lost track of him since 690 moved.
  20. I dont like communicating with people that protest everyday, burn flags, kill people, burn businesses, kidnap people and lop off their heads just because they dont agree with me. I prefer to nuke the entire country of people like that. I consider it evolution, let the more civilized people succeed. Who needs these crazy nuts.
  21. Why wait to destroy those ass clown, so called cities. Lets start leveling them now.
  22. I used to listen t him a bit a few years ago. But his act gets old quick and I don't miss him one little bit. It does suck though that the Mighty 690 moved to some obscure AM radio station that I cant get anymore. Why did they move ? 690 has a strong signal in San Diego and LA.
  23. online ? You know that song "Jamie's gotta gun!" It really funny but I dont have time to track it down.
  24. Does this mean you have officially come out of the closet ?
  25. Amazing business and human interest story about Mr. Rich. I still call it Rich stadium from time to time. Those flash frozen cream filled donut treats were always my favorite !
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