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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Great episode. Does the crazy Uncle get whacked ? Meadow certainly did look sexy doing that dance !
  2. And the hot pocket crowd say Ralph is too old and the game has passed him by ! CI just love the hot pocket crowd ! When are people going to learn that cronological age has very little to do with anything.
  3. And the hot pocket crowd says Marv is too old and the game has passed him by ! I just love the hot pocket crowd !
  4. Faine wiould be huge. I was pissed when he was picked just ahead of us a few years back. He would be great. From what I have seen of him he was solid.
  5. Royal is an upgrade at a blocking TE.
  6. Sounds as sharp as ever to me. Maybe you just dont like him for whatever reason.
  7. mmmmm Yummy ! Goat dick ! Where's the barfing icon when you need one? So Dean Your avatar is morfing again ? Is the next morf the gray big black eyed alien with a pipe ?
  8. That was the most amazing storm. The drifts where so high I tripped over telephone lines. The drifts were that tall ! Entire houses buried under the snow. The average depth around my house was 8 feet deep.
  9. who's Jack Bauer ?
  10. They also drive thru residential neighborhoods with heat sensors. Pot houses tend to generate alot of heat and leave a big heat signature. I wonder how these guys got caught ?
  11. That is so funny ! A poster child for "This is your brain on drugs !"
  12. Damn, one of my dreams and one of my personal goals is to buy the Bills. I better get cracking !
  13. Brees had shoulder surgery and they got the River.
  14. Ralph didn't vote no because he wanted more money as much as he thought the process was rushed and hastily put together which leads to bad business decisions. He wanted more time to evaluate and put together a more well thought out plan. That's the spin I get from what I've seen and heard.
  15. If your so upset then raise the money and buy the team from Ralph and run it the way you think it should be run. Dont have the money ? Then maybe you shouldn't bag on Ralph.
  16. That clears it up for me ! What did they say ?
  17. But wait ! How about Bang-A-Pong !
  18. Funny stuff ! Very creative ! Thanks for the link !
  19. That story sounds fishy. I bet they were playing around with the sword, pretend fighting and then the acccident happened. Falling off the wall probably couldn't generate enough force to cause a fatal wound.
  20. Sponge Bob Square Pants uses fish heads as well ! Maybe the idea has had it's run !
  21. Have you tried the Bass-O-Matic ? Check old SNL re-runs for the number to call.
  22. Are you serious or joking ? Cause that sounds pretty gross. Glad I'm not in the cave man days !
  23. I get a good vibe from the coaches in the front office. Good job Marv, he seems to be setting a good tone. More specifically the OL coach didn't give a wringing endorsement of any of our linemen. I think they are going to be very active in FA and replace a great number of our current line. I think Teague and Villareal are gone for sure. The QB competition will be very good for JP and Kelly. I hope JP wins, but it will be good for him to have to win the job.
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