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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Did you get that Zebra yet?
  2. IMHO I think it is relevant. Sammy only suits up 16 games a year, most of the time not even that. Where an NBA player suits up 5 to 6 times that number per year. Someone who plays 5 to 6 times more should get paid more. To me that is relevant. But everyone has there own opinion.
  3. Sammy is comparing apples to oranges. If he wants to get paid like an NBA player he should have played basketball. But you can't compare the salaries of the two sports. When you factor in the number of teams, # of players on rosters, number of coaches on teams, team facilities, only 16 games a year. it seems pretty equitable to me.
  4. Happy BDay Pooj, get a special 6 pack of hops for your Bday!
  5. If anyone says "I'm not angry BUT ...." or "I'm not a racist BUT ..." what follows certainly is what preceeded the I'm not!
  6. As a whole I agree with you. But I was thinking about this some more. An individual who has enough money to pay some one to affect the outcome of a sporting event, would they be betting on sports in such large amounts that they would care? I mean if you have that amount of money why screw around betting anyways? I would have way better things to do with my time and money.
  7. Yes and no. Vegas lines are set and adjusted to entice an equal amount of betting above and below the line. Vegas wants the over money equal to the under money so they can skim their 10% off the top. Vegas never really cares who wins or loses, they just want to take their skim. This is why thinking Vegas would attempt to alter the outcome of football game or sporting event is a fallacy.
  8. I didn't watch every game last year, but the ones I did watch, the D was caught out of position and thinking way to much causing them to be slower to react to the ball, there seemed to be hesitation at times. That could be blamed on Rex's coaching. If they can just flow to the ball and not over think their reactions to situations . I think there will be an improvement from last year. But I'm an optimist every year until proven wrong.
  9. Everyone puts their pants on one leg at a time. Meaning no one is better or worse than you are. And vice versa, you are not better or worse than anyone else. Don't be intimidated by anyone, it's been my life's motto.
  10. I have to throw in Old Fort Erie, beautiful drive from there to the Falls on the Canadian side along the Niagara Parkway.
  11. Sorry to hear your brother drowned in the river. A good friend of mine drowned in the river being stupid in the winter time. Swimming in the Niagara river from the old fort as far down to black creek in some extreme adventures was a daily occurrence in the summer times. We floated on tubes, or just treaded water and wore masks looking at the bottom as we floated by. Back then I knew where every under water rock, eddy, whirlpool and current would take you. We climbed every inch of the railroad and peace bridge and jumped from most spots on those bridges. It was my home away from home during the summer. I hope local kids still are allowed to do that.
  12. Funny! He should try it! It will build character. But Just to clarify the swim I took, From the Canadian side of the Peace Bridge at the pier , we dove in there, swam to the American side and touched the breakwall and swam back to the Canadian side at the railroad bridge and climbed out there. We were damn exhausted to swim that hard, in fact I almost drowned from fatigue. I suppose you could do the same swim in reverse starting from the American side. Maybe they could make a summer marathon in Buffalo, pay entry fees, get a number to make the strenuous swim. If you want to get crazy, incorporate a full Iron Man competition and this would be the swimming portion of it.
  13. How many times have we said "Shiv the mofo" ? I didn't know we were putting contracts out on you!
  14. Did someone pee in your cornflakes this morning?
  15. I have been personally attacked by gay pedophiles while hitch hiking a couple of different times. I was in the car alone when attacked, I had to fist fight with the guy in the car until they pulled over and I jumped out. Many times creeps would expose themselves. The scariest was a time I was in the back seat of a two door vehicle, the two men in the front started looking at each other in a funny way, the hair on my neck stood up and I sensed imminent danger, I blurted out this was my street and that was my house, let me out here, thank god they let me out without a problem. I was scared because I was trapped in the back seat and two large men in the front, I was just a kid at the time. I counter balance the bad incidents with the many many more positive times I had a lot of fun hitch hiking, drinking wine and beer, smoking weed, woman would invite me to their houses and party, lots of fun times.
  16. Everybody thought the world was flat until everyone knew it was round! Or the sun revolved around the earth until ... you get the idea. What is unthinkable today is common place tomorrow.
  17. Whoa, that would scare me as well. I used to drive a motorcycle, might again, a friend is trying to sell me his Harley, I'll buy it if I can get the price down, but I digress , I think motorcycles in HOV lanes are OK as long as they behave like a normal car. I'm with you, motorcycles shouldn't be allowed to lane split. It's dangerous for everybody, I never did lane split when I rode a motorcycle, never liked the concept of doing it. It's a throw back from the days when motorcycles were only air cooled and they needed to keep moving to avoid overheating. Motorcycles all have cooling systems now so lane splitting is really un-necessary at this point.
  18. I recommend scaling the Peace Bridge and have dinner on the cat walks over the Niagara River! Wear gloves because of all the pigeon crap. Awesome view!
  19. I want to say Sam Goody but I'm just guessing.
  20. We are still trying to find intelligent life on this planet! Most people on this earth are purely ignorant dumb asses and should be exterminated like the common house fly.
  21. Maybe that works in the Carolina's, but that will flat out get you killed here in So. Cal.
  22. J Boy that is called road rage and craziness. You chased someone because some trash flew out of the bed of their pickup? What if they have a shotgun and shoot at you for being aggressive towards them? What if they chase you back home and burn your house down? You don't know what crazy animal is behind the wheel of a vehicle!! Just let it go Jboy!
  23. I like the sounds of this. Can we send all ISIS people to one of these planets?
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