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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. You mean to tell me that I got a parking ticket for parking in the Head Coach spot ?
  2. I think good OL are harder to find and this draft is deeper with DL talent, so I'll have to say take an OL first.
  3. I was watching that clip as well. The three QB's were rotating in and out . I watched for when JP was throwing. Actually most of his were on target.
  4. After 48 losses I might start thinking in that direction.
  5. I like this one as well ! What could the Anchor Bar pay ? $1000 bucks and free wings to the team on Sundays ?
  6. He would trade our 1st to Green Bay for Brett Farve !
  7. Call them directly. The area code is 905 , call 1905-555-1212 and ask for information.
  8. If they have a bank account just make a deposit to their account from your local branch.
  9. Put her in the car and go for a ride until she falls asleep. I've had to do that a few times in a pinch. Rocking chair usually did the trick though.
  10. Good article ! Thanks Bob !
  11. Honestly, I dont want Farve in Buffalo !
  12. following. Ralph should sell the naming rights to Ralph wilson stadium to the highest bidder. I would raise ticket prices to be in the middle price in the spectrum. If thats $50.00 a ticket then so be it. People will just have to dig a little deeper. I pay hell of lot more to go to a local San Diego Chargers game. If that's what it takes to get revenue sharing for the Bills then do it tomorrow. Because the Bills need to stay in Buffalo. And Ralph needs to suck it up and do his part to hit the benchmarks for revenue sharing by doing those things.
  13. Well they must know that either Israel or USA will do a pre-emptive strike. There will be no concessions. Israel for sure will just take out the facilities. I like Israel they have the spine to smack down retarded Islamic blustering hate the world B word fag pigs like this.
  14. I'd try and trade him and then if no trade him, cut him. No player should hijack a team.
  15. It's a tough decision between Bunkley and Huff !
  16. I would have told the waitress about your fused disc and thats why you drink the way you do. And thats it's not polite to make fun of people.
  17. he'll Huff and he'll puff and blow your house down !
  18. That was the one game I didn't see last year ! Damnit ! It was the best one too !
  19. I know a few Iranian's and they cant believe this idiot got elected. I don't think he represents the majority of Iranians. Maybe someone will assisnate this retard. That seems like the best solution.
  20. Ya, I dont see the probem here ? There both of legal age and he is not her student ? Whats the problem ? She's 22 and he's 19, sheesh it's not like a big age difference either ? I would let this one go away !
  21. I'm happy watching the game on DirecTV. I can have ice cold beer available for $11 per 12 pack, no lines at the bathroom or snack bar. Parking is free and no obnoxious fans jeering at me. I like to be at the occasional game because the atmosphere is so much different, but it is way more comfortable at home.
  22. China has similar control of the press and TV coverage don't they ?
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