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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. You assume I know where San Emigdio Mountains and Pine Mountain are located. They could be in Arkansas for all I know. Maybe you should switch to de-caf. You seem a little stressed out !
  2. Wow ! I guess I have the jinx. My funniest memory is one drunk being carted off like a six pack. Anckles cuffed together, same for wrists, then a pair of cuffs between ancles and wrists like a hog tie. Carrying said dude out like a six pack or a bag of garbage ! Good times !
  3. I only give to the ones that are clearly homeless and pathetic looking. Some panhandlers look all clean and well fed. I ignore those ones.
  4. I really don't give a rat's ass about most celebs. What do they really do to deserve any attention. I'm more concerned about the guy who runs my local gas station because that is where I buy my gas and my kids school teachers because they teach my kids. But I am not so callous to kick a fellow human being under the bus after he commits suicide. A fellow human being is in pain and needs help. Just to emphasis my point that I'm a softy to people in need, I give $5.00 to pan handlers if they are standing along the road and look pathetic. I give $20.00 if there is a woman standing there as well because most woman would never pan handle. The change most people give really doesn't help much. At least with five bucks you can buy a meal at a fast food restaurant.
  5. Good luck ! I usually don't watch the news, what part of the country is the fire in ?
  6. It's posters like you that the players ignore media ! Clueless !
  7. Your being sarcastic right ? WM is a great back and needs to improve his blitz pickup. Fortunately this is an area that can be improved. As far as RB skills your born with them. You either have them or you dont ! WM does !
  8. It's clear TO is bi-polar ! He has every symptom of it ! He should be treated for being bi-polar and most of his antics would probably go away.
  9. I think Peyton has now crossed into over exposure just like Tom Cruise. I'm sick of seeing Peyton, Eli and Archie Manning
  10. You know what would be really cool. That morpghing software that takes a start and finish photo and makes a gif file that morphs between the two photos ! That would be really cool !
  11. Very funny thread. We should definately start a room or gallery like that !
  12. While there is a mountain of calls and things to make you wonder, I always come back to this thought. No one in this world can keep a secret. Especially one that juicy. Now if you study the mortallity rate of refs, head coaches and players from Super bowl teams and there are strange mortality rates then there might be something to it. Because after a ref fixes a game, you pretty much have to kill the guy at some point because he will talk to someone and it will get out. That is one of the guarantee's of life, people cannot keep their mouths shut.
  13. I saw a OL for the Falcons with the last name of Gandy ! Any relation to our LT ?
  14. She had to pay for it and for the time the city spent overseeing this fiasco !
  15. I have some real extreme neighbors. On one side I have neighbors that are gay activists and have large sex parties and orgies at their house. A lot of naked people milling around in the back yard. They had a big orgy this past Saturday night actually. Across the street the neighbor thinks he is Grand Master Flash and mixes loud bass music in his garage. Down from me is a neighbor we just call the witch. She spies on us and has caused numerous problems when she dug away the hill side in her back yard with out permits causing my backyard to collapse into her backyard. It took the city and my neighbor two years too restore the hillside with a retaining wall. And this twerp has the balls to complain I encroached on her property line after the hillside was restored. I told her to never speak to me again and if she needs to communicate with me to contact my attorney in writing. Neighbors ! You can have them !
  16. Call me silly but I thought we had a chance until that 4th and 3rd was incomplete. It was fun though ! Wasn't it ?
  17. Well it was pretty cool anyways ! It must have taken a awhile to string together so many grandiose words to convey an overhyped version of a simpler truth !
  18. I see you both possess the gift of gab but lack the precision of conciseness.
  19. Great movie that your avatar is from !
  20. I agree ! I think WM is a great back ! Could improve on his blitz pickup skills though.
  21. Could you watch the game on that HDTV in the limo ?
  22. Funny how the facts never back up what some people like to blather on about. Good post, thanks.
  23. We could use an upgrade at that position. He was getting schooled on a lot of plays. They seem to throw to his side quite a bit.
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