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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Select the High Def channels option and you will see the game on the NFLN on channel 95.
  2. Pretty lame show !
  3. Put a dish on the roof and drill a hole thru the ceiling to run the cable thru ! Or put a dish on a neighboring biulding and string the cable thru a window. Or move to a new place ! Long live Direct TV !
  4. The game is in high def. on my Direct TV dish. Good game if you like def. battles.
  5. On any given Sunday anybody can beat anybody. Lucky bounces one way or the other, human emotion gets sparked and set on fire. Betting NFL football games is risky business. Only bet what you can truly afford to lose. I noticed a few people mentioned Detroit, Tampa Bay as sure things. Ya right.
  6. Can only white people call another white person 'crackers' ? I don't know, good question, it is a double standard.
  7. I listened to the whole segment. Those two kids seem like pretty well spoken decent kids and Kramer was so far out of line he has no legs too stand on. This wasn't some part of his act. He just snapped and this racial stuff came out. He should compensate those kids somehow to show his remorse for racial slurs. They look college age, maybe pay for a year of their tuition.
  8. We had our Turkey yesterday, So today turkey sandwich's and football ! Happy Thanksgiving and remember our troops over seas !
  9. That's the best Drew Bledsoe spin I've heard yet .
  10. You can take that to the bank. Better OL, LT and Gates. So, ya, a better surrounding cast.
  11. Hopefully it is snowing and windy and nasty weather for the SD game. That will take Rivers out of the equation and we can focus on stopping LT. No easy task but we should be able to stack the box.
  12. Really, I would use the same offense. Let JP run around and if the running game is working then stick with it. The real problem with SD is they are unstoppable. So I guess we want to run the ball alot to keep LT off of the field.
  13. Soo true ! Great post ! Thanks ! I hope all read and understand.
  14. Why would it take until week 10 to finally see what was obvious after 5 weeks ?
  15. Sounds like sour grapes to me.
  16. Seems like JP had a pretty good game when he had a pocket to throw from and the green light to run from being sacked. Go Bills ! Go JP !
  17. Exactly. JP actually had a pocket to throw from today.
  18. Funny stuff. What a dumbass.
  19. Can people give an idea of what the link is ? I like to know prior to clicking. It could NSFW or NSFF or I might not care about the subject matter.
  20. JP has the end of NEXT season to see if he pans out. Then we will know for sure.
  21. I'm all for banning buses. They create way more pollution that they save.
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