Just out of curiousity for you guys wanting to run WM out of town for father issues. What if at your job you were fired because you were a percieved bad father ? What would you say ? Probably that what has this got to do with my job here at work ?
Thats how I look at it for Willis. This topic should have nothing to do with Willis playing football. Just my 3 cents.
I agree with you. But I was reading in the paper that AJ and Marty do not get along. This is AJ's chance to fire Marty if he really wants to. Or he may let Marty's contract run out and then go after Bill Cowher in one year.
I expected more from Jerry. He used the quotes out of context which is really bad journalism. I hope Jerry gets run out of town like he is trying to do to Willis.
I think my reciever is defective, I have another mysterious problem with my reciever and a TV repair guy thinks my TV and reciever had a power surge, which reset my gun alignment chip setting back to reset which screwed up the convergence settings.
I thought it was funny personally, because I think Merriman doing his stupid sack dance is disrespectful. He is just doing his job and goes nuts dancing when he does his job. San Diego's easy schedule caught up to them. Doing the sack dance on the 50 yard line was poetic.
I went to fox, abc, nbc, cbs, NFL channel, espn and no Bears game ? I have Directv but that game was not showing up on my menu. Anyone else have the same problem ?
After the San Diego game, I switched over to the NFL Network. It was funny, Rich Eisen, Deon Sanders and Mooch were in stunned silence and acting like they were at a funeral regarding the Chargers game. They were all prepared to fellatio San Diego and didn't quite know how to change gears when the Pats won.
But you would agree that having a decent O-line certainly makes for good if not great RB production. Who was on the O-line when Travis was our feature back ? I dont remember.
Did anyone notice the trend in that good analysis of WM vs. most other backs in the league, that the productive backs were on teams with good OL's ? Wm will be fine once we get a better OL that can open holes and keep DT's off of WM.
My own personal spin on what any football player or movie star says is I couldn't care one little bit. Everyone has an opinion and no matter what you say someone will take issue with it, so screw it ! Who cares what WM says, people shouldn't pay that much attention to what they say in the first place. Personally I'm to busy living my life to take offense about what Wm says. Just my 3 cents.
I think everyone needs to calm down about Willis. If you listen to anyone talk they eventually will say something to piss you off. Just ignore what they say, it's whats on the field that counts.