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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. I might try to stay there as well. What is the neighborhood like around 'The Mansion' ? I havn't been back in that part of town in a long time.
  2. What was the treatment buckeye mike received ?
  3. I never thought to google for Mommy Mommy jokes, I thought they were way too obscure and bizarre to have survived the 60's. But I found some. here's a funny one ! Do people want a Mommy Mommy joke of the day ? Here it is . Mommy, Mommy! Why are we pushing the car off the cliff? Shut up son, you'll wake your father.
  4. I just remember a few of them from the 60's when my older brother was telling them to me. Never heard them since really.
  5. I can only remember two of them. Add the ones you remember or can you make up a really good new one. 1) Mommy ! Mommy ! I dont want to visit Grampa ! (Mommy replies) Shutup kid ! And keep digging ! 2) Mommy ! Mommy ! I dont want anymore spaghetti ! (Mommy replies) Shutup kid ! Or I'll rip the veins out of your other arm ! 3) .... ?
  6. I missed the 1st fight of fly weights I think, but the chicks were the most entertaining fights of the night. They said her father used to be the QB of the Dalls cowboys and played in the USFL but I don't remember that guy ever playing. The last fight of super heavy weights was mildly amusing, that 'Bigfoot' I think is going to dominate for sometime to come.
  7. What is the general opinion of Wade in Dallas ? Does the public love or hate the choice of Wade for HC ? Personally I think Wade is going to take them to the superbowl, (If he dumps TO) because he is one hell of a good DC, and pretty good HC.
  8. I like Willis, people calling for him to be traded because they think they can read his mind and knows what he thinking are morons. I'm glad Marv pays zero attention to such blather. The only thing Willis needs is a very strong power back to call on in those 3rd and short situations, Willis is more of a shifty RB than the power North South runner.
  9. Moorman should have punted the ball into Bellipukes head and claimed it was an errant punt.
  10. You might enjoy the 'Work Poop' thread in the 'Off the Wall' section. See where this story would fit in !
  11. Dont forget from a stat point of view. JP didn't start slinging the ball until mideason. So PP put up those stats in 8 games essentially. Double PP stats and he looks better than EM's
  12. Well that sucks. I'll see if I can find the link again.
  13. Yes, I agree. Jaws actually studies the tapes and makes his statements based on what he sees on tape and usually rolls the tape as he is making his statements. When M. Irvin speaks he sounds like a dumbass crack head pan handling on the street corner. When he drifts from the public eye cant happen soon enough.
  14. I have got to agree with this logic. In the long and short run it is better.
  15. Good luck Wade. I always liked Wade and thought he was very good. He did have a winning record. Dallas doesn't deserve such a good HC like Wade. San Diego is really sucking wind now. They lost their OC, DC and the HC is lame duck.
  16. Tomatoes for sure. Sometimes cucumbers, eggplant, green beans. But my location usually gets sun all day long.
  17. Moral of the story. If I'm in charge of planning a company function someday. I'll never pick a bar to host it. I'll do everyone a favor and pick a non alcohol serving event. Less liability from a company point of view as well.
  18. I've been to concerts in open air stadiums where the sound is really freakin good. Pink Floyd is probably the best that comes to mind. So the sound engineers can make it sound good if they want. by the way, sarcasm is really unattractive in any form.
  19. I want JP Losman. He doing a great job. Will be even better this year.
  20. The weather should have favoured the Bears being an outdoor team. Did Rex Grossman stink up the place or what. I would cut him in the offseason if I was Lovie.
  21. The articles about Kugler are very positive. he really turned around the Oline at BSU. This is a very good hire for the Bills.
  22. I see your point, but I usually buy tickets to see a concert because of a song I heard on XM radio or CD and the sound quality is studio quality. So when I go to concert I dont even recognize the so called hit, I feel really let dowm. So IMHO the sound quality better be close to studio quality or whats the point ? i dont want to hear trash and call it the live version.
  23. I liked the half time show. Did anyone else think Prince was going to get electrocuted with all of the rain and water on the stage ? And did the water and rain affect the acoustics of the Purple Rain guitar solo ? It sounded off quite abit from the studio version ?
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