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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Marv signed the scat back in Shaud Williams , Willis is your all purpose back. Look for Rhodes to be the power back.
  2. Forgot to add that Marv is setting up the old axiom. Run the ball well and be able to stop the run. Expect all defensive draft picks. Maybe a TE or Wr pickup later in the rounds.
  3. I think Rhodes is to replace the A-Train. Having a McGahee - Rhodes backfield will be awesome ! We will have a feared running game and then kill them with a bomb to Evans ! Whhoooo Hooooo !
  4. Glad your not in control of the front office. Bad idea.
  5. Way to go ! Where's that guy that just had just cancelled his season tickets before FA ? Wonder if he re-upped his tickets ?
  6. Had to be in the 80's I wore shorts and got a sunburn on my face.
  7. I edited your post to the reality of the Bills situation. Everyone needs to get used to having Willis on the team. Willis didn't bad mouth Buffalo, it was his words twisted around to make news.
  8. Thank you puszczlowski !
  9. I'm not upset ! Trust you me, you will have no doubt in your mind about when I'm upset !
  10. Air Lingus, cunninglingus kinda sounds the same, but thats not the joke. Big Dogs make little dogs, Big Cats little cats, Big Planes Little planes, pull out in time ! Do you need a picture ? You know what they say if you have to explain a joke !
  11. I heard on ESPN just at the tail end of the conservation byt they were saying that the Readskins were competing to keep Dockery, I for sure heard $18 mil guaranteed and I think I heard him say 12 mil over 3 years. I could have been mistaken. So Marv didn't really overpay, he had to beat out the Skins
  12. see my previous posts about corrections or opinions about joke of the day.
  13. I temporarily forgot to never get involved with an education thread, they are full of very opinionated a-holes and you can never win anyways. I am bowing out of this thread.
  14. A mother and her young son were flying Air Lingus. The son, who had been looking out the plane's window, turned to his mother and said, "Mom, if big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats, why don't big planes have baby planes?" Stumped, the mother suggested to her son that he ask the stewardess. The boy promptly got out of his seat and wandered back to the service area. "Excuse me," the boy said to the stewardess. "If big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats, why don't big planes have baby planes?" "Did your mother tell you to ask me that?" "Yes," he said, nodding his head. The stewardess whispered in the boy's ear, "Tell your mother it's because Air Lingus always pulls out on time."
  15. Another point, I am wrong for demanding that a teacher do their job effectively and efficiently during the day so that I don't have to do their job at night. Your a teachers wet dream if you dont take that stance with them.
  16. For the record. My daughter is a straight 4.0 student since kindergarten. So what was your point ? I can't be too far off, now can I ?
  17. That's why Marv didn't tag Nate ! Can you say resentment ?
  18. I remember the number $39 mil being tossed around. So I guess we are close to done ? But did that $39 mil include the subtractions of Nate and Fletch this year ? So maybe the savings there creates space for one more signing. A LB if I was going to guess.
  19. Good post. I have to agree with your logic. Two top picks that produce at DT and LB could be the trick needed to shore up this average defense and take pressure off of the CB position. Not to mention that if the offense can sustain long drives that keeps the defense even fresher.
  20. Switch to gas ! Hell of lot cheaper in the short run.
  21. I pay to have my kids taught to read and math etc. at school. Why in God's freakin name do I have to do the job the teachers supposed to do at night ? I'l help with homework, but I'm not going to do the teachers job. Otherwise why send them to school to begin with ?
  22. I think he is better than average, and will be a monster once this new OL of ours takes the field. I predict 1700 yds. rushing and 20 TD's this year for Willis
  23. All of these trade Willis now posts are just childish responses to the false perception that Willis said the Bills should move to Toronto. If anybody actually read the article, you would know Willis answer was OK, it got twisted and distorted to create news. All of the lemmings buy in and we are about to run out of town a perfectly good RB that is better than most in the league. Now everyone take a deep breath, and we are not going to trade Willis, we might give him a contract extension but thats about it.
  24. You've got to learn to let it go ! It's unhealthy ! My website hasn't been updated since the 1990's, it's really dated and needs an upgrade !
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