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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Ya that is true. Did he weaken his hand to negotiate with other RB's now tho ?
  2. I'm really surprised by this ! Has Marv now given away some negotiation leverage with other RB's ?
  3. Does anybody else think that Charlie Casserly is really a ventriloquist's wooden dummy ? He just comes off as stiff as a wooden doll !
  4. Dean did I miss your other avatar decompose into dust ? And you had to start afresh ? Was the dust used to make paste which was baked into the new cup ?
  5. How about Bills Mind Reading Central ! It seems most posters can from afar know what everyone on the Bills are thinking, were thinking at specific times in history and can predict the future because they know what people are thinking about doing. But they can't predict the stock market because they look for stock advice. It is comical some days and really fricken annoying on other days.
  6. I thought of something else when I read the topic.
  7. A little boy was walking down the street dragging behind him a squashed dead frog; He stops at a whore house and asks for the dirtiest most disease infested whore she had, and the woman shows him the way; After finishing the woman notices the frog, and confused she asks whats with the frog? The boy begins to explain: You see ma'am when your whore touched me she gave me the disease, and tonight when mommy and daddy leave and the babysitter touches me I'm going to give her the disease, and when daddy takes the babysitter home and touches her she is going to give daddy the disease, and when daddy comes home and touches mommy he's going to give mommy the disease, and tomorrow when the milk man comes and mommy touches him she's going to give him the disease and That's The Mother !@#$er Who Ran Over My Frog!!!
  8. I havn't seen the A-Train get signed yet so I have to conclude that Marv is looking for the A-Trains replacement. Not Willis's replacement.
  9. Two young lovers go up to the mountains for a romantic winter vacation. When they get there, the guy goes out to chop some wood. When he gets back, he says, "Honey, my hands are freezing!" She says, "Well put them here between my legs and that will warm them up." After lunch he goes back out to chop some more wood and comes back and says gain "Man! My hands are really freezing!" She says again, "Well put them here between my legs and warm them up." He does, and again that warms him up. After dinner, he goes out one more time to chop wood for the night. When he returns, he again says, "Honey, my hands are really freezing!" She looks at him and says, "FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, DON'T YOUR EARS EVER GET COLD?"
  10. See my previous about jokes in that there is no such thing as a new joke, only recycled jokes.
  11. Probably for the same reason that people are drawn to freak shows !
  12. If it's to replace A-Train sure. If not .... not !
  13. I would expect them to cut Gandy or is he an UFA and just won't be resigned ?
  14. Moss is a Cancer in the locker room. This will be BB's and the Pats undoing !
  15. I'm thinking a 12th, 24th, 36th and Shaud Williams plus some chicken wings for Lance Briggs, a deep dish pizza, their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, next years 4th, 5th, and 6th plus a box of tape ! What do you think !
  16. Willis is staying. These are replacements for the A-Train.
  17. Funny article ! Thanks for posting it. Ya, I wouldn't go in one of those for all the money in the world. Well, maybe I would for all the money !
  18. Turner is starter material, but the price is going to be way to high. Besides we have Willis, we dont need a RB. We need a DT, MLB and CB before any new RB's
  19. Man so many wannabe's !
  20. Talk to a tax attorney and CPA. Setup a trust fund !
  21. or the Califorian's in Mexico ? Anyways, here you go ! An American, a German, and a Mexican There is an American, a German, and a Mexican. They are in all in a boat. The boat is about to sink. Each of them have to throw things out to make the boat lighter. The German throws out 4 cases of beer and says, "We have a lot of beer in Germany so we don't need these!" The Mexican throws out 5 cases of burritos and says, "We have a lot of burritos in Mexico so we don't need these!" The American grabs the Mexican and throws him out. The German asks why he threw the Mexican out. And the American replies, "We have a lot of Mexicans in America so we don't need him!." Jose at the Border Jose arrives at the Mexican border on his bike with 2 huge bags over his shoulders. The guard stops him and asks: "What's in the bags?" "Senior, It's only sand." replies Jose. "Sand??? Well, we'll just see about that - get off the bike!" The guard takes the bags, rips them open, empties them out and finds nothing in them...except sand. Detaining Jose overnight, the sand is analysed, but only to discover it is in fact simply sand. Jose is released, the sand is put into new bags and placed on Jose's shoulders, and he is let across the border. Next day, same thing happens. The guard asks: "What you got there?" "Sand," says Jose. A thorough examination of the bags again shows there to be nothing but sand, and subsequently Jose is allowed to ride across the border. For a whole year this continues until one day Jose doesn't show up, and the guard discovers him in a Cantina in Mexico. "Hey, Bud," says the guard, "I know you're smuggling something. For a year it's driven me crazy. It's all I can think about... I can't get sleep, the kids are getting neglected...heck, even the dog senses I'm beginning to lose it! Between you and me, just what are you smuggling?" Jose sips his beer, smiles and replies: "Bicycles..."
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