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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Depending on the size of your town, In San Diego's paper they have a lenders section where they advertise local places that compete. Some are national companies just the local branch.
  2. Ohh! Ohh! Better get Maaco !
  3. Your still a hick and an ass. There is no cure for that.
  4. Signal jammers. Wouldn't put it past the cheats!
  5. Your still a hick and your probably not a Phd either or you wouldn't be arguing about the early cost of solar power. Early adopters always pay more, the price comes down as more units get sold. Just like flat screen TV's started out at $15,000 per unit. Now they are around $1000 per unit. So be happy some people arte paying the higher prices so the price will eventually come down.
  6. I understand your points completely, I lose interest in sports where the season is too long and games become unimportant because there are too many. Baseball is like that for me as well. I cant get excited about the playoffs of hockey when I'm going swimming later on in the day. That is what makes football so exciting, there are only 16 games and every game is very important to make the playoff.
  7. What about hockey's roots where the game was only played when the weather was cold enough to maintain ice? What did they do back then ?
  8. I think the hockey season is way too long. The season should start in November and Stanley Cup finals finished in March.
  9. Sounds like a good day !
  10. So why are people installing them here in San Diego ? While watching their elec. meters spin backwards and getting a bill at the end of the month for $0 and charging their elec. cars to boot ! Seems like the system is working just fine despite your doom and gloom outlook !
  11. In the features section, Saving bandwidth area
  12. Well I don't give a rat's ass about you ! So leave your comments about how I conduct myself to yourself. Who are you anyways ? The board police ? No ? Then shut up !
  13. Cool car ! And only $109,000 !
  14. You guys kill me. If your not educated about something why doubt it ? The state of California and Federal rebates total about 10 to 15K reducing the cost of the solar system from 25 to 30K down to around 15 K. I didn't include the cost of the elec. car because I'm still pricing them out. Sheesh. What a bunch of f-ing hicks around here.
  15. Ya I hear you, finding a good mgmt. agency is easier said than done. But when you finally do find a good one. They really make your life easier. Especially when you have a nightmare tenant which is what I have right now. The woman has come straight from hell to torture me. And she is a doctor to boot !
  16. Sheesh ! Get snipped or something !
  17. Where do you live John Adams? I'm willing to bet it's not California, Florida, Nevada. Point being, don't knock it if you haven't profited by it. Where have I lost the most money? Stocks! That's why I focus on real estate. I can control alot more of the variables. By the way, you come off sounding very bitter and jealous or something.
  18. Wow ! Funniest thing I've read all day !
  19. It sounded like a protest. I'm not going to pay the money and go to Toronto, I'll show them ! My point is, nobody is going to care, so if you like watching the Bills live, then you'll need to pony up the $ and travel to Toronto. That's the punsihing yourself part. If you don't like watching the Bills, then I guess your not.
  20. Your the only one who misses out on the fun. You are punishing yourself. No one in Toronto will miss you !
  21. You can configure how much bandwidth each vonage line uses. The default is the highest, I turned it down to the lowest setting. It still sounds great at the lowest setting.
  22. I wasn't trying to one up anybody, just compare notes as to what is a fair percentage to negotiate for with property managers.
  23. Same with me at 10%. Just get my money deposited into my account.
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