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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. That's the one. I jumped off the top. It's about 85 feet give or take a few feet. A real adrenaline rush. I remember an American tried to dive off the top about 30 years ago when drunk. He landed on his back and was seriously injured from head to toe from slapping the water on his back at whatever speed you reach when diving 85 feet in the air. The most fun was to sit on the top and wait for the police try to climb to the top of the bridge in their uniforms. When they get to the top we jump off and float down the river a mile or two and then get out. Good times !
  2. Nice job Lori ! What did happen to Carwell Gardner or my fav Tim Tindale the Canadian Comet ?
  3. How about the metal rail road bridge across the Niagara into Fort Erie. Anyone jump off that bridge ? I have spent many summers swimming and jumping off that bridge on the Canadian side. Do they still do that there I wonder ?
  4. That's the double edged sword. I wouldn't let these guys off the hook.
  5. These athletes shouldn't sign multi year deals. Sign a one year deal and work your ass off. Then you'll get a big deal next year and so on.
  6. Watch any Japanese Godzilla movie from the 60's or whenever they made those movies, hysterical.
  7. H3 well you did say MEN of TBD
  8. And transformers didn't push the suspended belief limit ?
  9. Move to a new city that offers CBS HD
  10. You can't swim against a rip tide, you should swim parallel to the beach and when you finally get out of it you can swim into the shore. They must have panicked, tried swimming against the rip current , tired quickly and had no gas left to swim in.
  11. Yup, my Dad is a WWII kid, he remembers eating horse meat. But he was dirt poor as well.
  12. There is sound logic here. I agree. I'm also concerned about electronic spying with those helmet radio's. How can you tell if someone is listening in ?
  13. That was my thought as well.
  14. Can't wait for that ! Let the beatdown start this year!
  15. I like your thinking here. Heh, Jauron ! Take some notes !
  16. I heard LT on ESPN today saying that every team watches so much tape on the opponent that they know what the plays being called are def. and off. by game day. He didn't think they had any advantage over anyone. He mentions you still have to execute def. and off. even if you know the play ahead of time.
  17. Check the police blotter around the time he quit posting. He usually gets arrested around this time.
  18. That's pretty gross Sketch. But anyways I would get the young man some counselling to deal with his father issues better.
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