I haven't seen so many stereo types thrown around and painting groups of people with the same broad brush in quite some time. Maybe not since the last KKK meeting I was accused of attending. Sheeesh this thread is really funnier than hell.
I'll get back to my original sentiment, sure Marshawn can hide behind all of his legal rights and options and say nothing and skip by this. But by doing so, he loses my respect and looks like another ghetto punk. Well Marshawn, see ya later, don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way out.
I guess he can't clear the air because somebody will get the rap for the hit and run, I guess they are to much of cowards to stand up and be accountable for their actions. I guess I'm the bad guy here because I think it's wrong not to be accountable for your actions. Sorry, I guess my Dad raised me all wrong. Sheesh what a fool I am for being accountable for my actions.
Sorry folks, but if your defending Marshawn's actions, your morally bankrupt.