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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. So the great and honorable Marshawn is starting to get a reputation here ? I'm not surprized at all. I hope Marshawn gets it together real soon. He may spoil a long and great career over really small things in the grand scheme of life.
  2. Any bar I've been in charges the same for a pepsi or a mixed drink. I think the intent was to eliminate people sneaking booze into the bar.
  3. I haven't seen so many stereo types thrown around and painting groups of people with the same broad brush in quite some time. Maybe not since the last KKK meeting I was accused of attending. Sheeesh this thread is really funnier than hell. I'll get back to my original sentiment, sure Marshawn can hide behind all of his legal rights and options and say nothing and skip by this. But by doing so, he loses my respect and looks like another ghetto punk. Well Marshawn, see ya later, don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way out. I guess he can't clear the air because somebody will get the rap for the hit and run, I guess they are to much of cowards to stand up and be accountable for their actions. I guess I'm the bad guy here because I think it's wrong not to be accountable for your actions. Sorry, I guess my Dad raised me all wrong. Sheesh what a fool I am for being accountable for my actions. Sorry folks, but if your defending Marshawn's actions, your morally bankrupt.
  4. I feel the same way about you as well.
  5. See my explanation above. Saftey, security and peace of mind are the theme reason's for me.
  6. You don't have teenage kids do you. You wouldn't ask that question if you did.
  7. For me the biggest reason is for saftey. If she needs a ride home, or an issue at school. What if a pervert is follwoing her or something, she can call 911. Roadside assistance if needed. That kind of stuff. Also, if I need to reach her I can at all times, or vice versa.
  8. This thread has completely disintegrated into bashing each other by misconstruing the other person's intending meaning, misquoted, taken out of context, grammer and spelling police, etc. This thread has reminded me why I should give up and never post here, to many !@#$s who just want to argue and not enough who actually want to discuss without name calling. This used to be a fun place to be. I think Bob Lamb has gotten it right when he stopped posting here. I may follow suit.
  9. Yes, this is a great thread. The best in a long time. I cut my teeth at Fort Erie. You know Fort Erie still has one of the best infields around. Gorgeous with three lakes and lots of landscaping. Woodbine of course. Here in SoCal I follow Santa Anita, Hollywood and Del Mar. Del Mar's season is way to short, but really big purses. Are you ever going to ship horses to the SoCall circuit? If so, let me know we can get together.
  10. Which tracks do you race at ?
  11. Keep the context of my comment. The scenerio posed was what if it was your mother driving the car ? Then you have a real moral dilema. Throw your Mom under the bus ? Under that scenero , getting a buddy to take the heat looks more attractive. But lets fous on Marshawn. Are you OK with him being silent on hitting someone and leaving the scene with no reagrd for that person ? what if it was your daughter or sister that was run over ? Would you be so flippant about it ? Probably not.
  12. By not saying anything, this really never gets closure. To make it go away you have to put a bow on it and finish it off.
  13. No , but you are being very nieve if you don't think there is a court of public opinion. If public opinion turns sour on you, your career in Buffalo can be very short. Ask Willis about that ? I though Willis got a bad deal on that Toronto comment.
  14. Blackberry with unlimited text messaging.
  15. I was inferring DUI's not TD's
  16. If he was drunk and passed out in the back seat and doesn't know, then he should say that. If it's his brother or mother that was driving find a patsie and get him to fall on the sword for you, surely he has a buddy that will take the heat for him. Marshawn is not handling this very smart from a PR point of view.
  17. Good one. I wasn't specific enough was I !
  18. Wait till it happens for the second or third time.
  19. Correct but Marshawn certainly knows who was driving, and the right thing to do is to tell the police who was driving. Since he has little regard for the woman's injury or doing the righht thing. He is a dirtbag IMHO. He loses a lot of face by doing this. He will lose Buffalo's public opinion support by handling it this way.
  20. I'm basing my comments on the fact that the DA has said the following 1) Marshawn seen in the area earlier that night 2) They have eyewitnesses that Marshawn's car hit the girl 3) They have video tape to the same 4) Damage to Marshawn's car consistant with accident and debris at scene of accident. Pretty compelling stuff that it was Marshawn's car, Marshawn should come forward and say who borrowed his car or announce that he was driving. By holding back info he becomes a dirtbag IMHO.
  21. That's alot of maybe's. I'm just going with the dirtbag factor. Marshawn loses face handling it this way.
  22. He may beat the wrap this time. But it's still a dirt bag move. Once a dirtbag, other dirt bag moves will happen again.
  23. See I told you Entering the first turn, Desormeaux took a hard hold of Big Brown and yanked him to the outside, bumping with Anak Nakal before finding running room outside of Tale of Ekati while Da' Tara opened up a three-length lead around the clubhouse turn.
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