What type of hunting do you do that you only load the weapon upon seeing the game to be shot at ? I used to walk around looking for game with a loaded shotgun because you never knew what would flush out around you.
And who is on a crusade ? Who is preaching ? And your contempt for me has nothing to do with the ML thing or you wouldn't be bashing me. Nobody is defending ML anymore since the subpoena's have come out. Only morally bankrupt trolls are crusading their own agenda's. Nice try tho ! And that isn't the golden rule, try again.
Moderators can we ban this troll ?
fine, but some yahoo with 3 posts is not going to try and tell me I've worn out my welcome. Including you for that matter. Your trolling for some kind of fight by splitting hairs like most trolls on this site.
Don't even go there with me on that. Worn out my welcome ? Do you run this place ? It's a public forum, if you don't like it too bad ! Long after you've left this board I'll still be here, so piss off and go back to elementary school would you. And learn the golden rule while your there.
Sporting venues don't depend on the money you spend on drinks, because some people dont drink. It's gravy to the sporting venues. Bars sole revenue is the money they make on the drinks you buy. Big difference.
Passing judgement ? What the !@#$ ? There is no value judgement here. The car hit a woman and the car left the scene ! There is no grey area here for debate.
So let me get this straight, your walking down the street, some car mowes you over and your injured. The car takes off, I don't think your going to say, " ahh, there just in a hurry, it's OK." Your going to be yelling mother !@#$er get back here !
I believe I specified in the various threads that I felt hit and run should be a felony when a person has been injured A simple fender bender in a parking lot shouldn't qualify. The pet angle is interesting but probably shouldn't be a felony.
Probably true there DC, but then again most of us would have cooperated with police even if we left the scene of the accident. Which reminds me, when they picked up ML's car from his driveway, why didn't they kick down the door and drag him downtown for a bloodtest and questioning ? I thought leaving the scene of an accident, hit and run were felonies ?
And if there not, they should be.
If you really didn't know then why would you stop?
But whoever was driving Lynch's car exhibited behavior like they knew they hit someone. The eyewitness accounts say the car sped up and then quickly turned down a sidestreet. Like they were trying to be invisible ASAP.
Also the court of public opinion can have a bearing on treatment. In Vick's case he is killing and fighting dogs, people love dogs therefore harsh treatment.
Traffic accident, no big deal, everyone has a fender bender.
Hit a person and leave the scene, most people can't relate to the human injustice or lack of compassion of hitting someone and leaving them without helping.
Rape is another crime that rarely gets a pass in the court of opinion. Even when it's a hooker, see the Duke scandal.