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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. Reallly ? You know many parents this has happened too? I've been alive a long time and don't remember anyone at any time that I knew personally that has hit someone with a car. Your friends need to take driving lessons.
  2. Can Marshawn account for his whereabouts ? Did he deserve this because he was walking late at night and looking for a lawsuit to sue the robber ?
  3. We had Sam Wyche on staff for how long ? It didn't really make a big difference from what I remember.
  4. Your lack of compassion for the victim is really shocking. Karma has a way of coming around full circle you know. Ask yourself, if you got run over by a car what would you do ? You probably would want your bills paid and salary replaced for time off work for doctor visits, treatments, recovery, etc., How much is enough ? I don't know? But don't belittle someone for seeking damages.
  5. Does this diminish the right or wrong done here ? Not really, if I kick the living sh-- out of you and the national news does not pick up the story does that make me innocent in your eyes ?
  6. Translation to English Do you speak hum-a-humma my wife ?
  7. The article mentioned he thought the kid was possessed by a demon. So maybe meth was involved ! Really a tragedy, words just fail to describe the sadness.
  8. For some reason I thought you were stationed at Camp Pendleton. Maybe that was SDJarHead ! Sorry for the confusion.
  9. I can hit my 3 wood 200 yards. My driver about 75 yards. I don't even use my driver anymore. Just a 3 wood and irons.
  10. Wow ! That is beyond words. That poor kid. I'm glad the perp was shot dead. Too bad the people who stopped to help couldn't knock the guy out with a baseball bat or something and maybe save the child.
  11. When in Oceanside where do you play ?
  12. One of Clayton's better articles.
  13. I thought I read the owner of the car was the dealership. So she would be suing the dealership, no ?
  14. My sarcasm detector is a little rusty. Your being sarcastic right ?
  15. What's the irony ohh righteous and holier than me ? I can have an opinion just like you and every other retard on this board.
  16. All I said is that ML or whoever was driving should have stopped and helped the woman. By taking off they became a dirtbag for doing that. I don't care about the legal part of it. I judged him on the actions we know already and are not in dispute. But people want to villify me for calling him out for not stopping and thats why I continued to post because trolls like you don't want me or anyone else for that matter to state our opinion, which we have the right to do. Your the one stomping on people's rights here. Now that the subpaoena's have been issued some people here have cooled their jets, but not you trolls, you just keep banging away calling me names for having an opinion. Having an opinion does not make me holier than thow. Most respectable people have weighed in and have stated that stopping was the right thing to do. Only morally bankrupt dirtbags think it's ok to drive off and leave the woman laying in the street. I don't have to wait for the legal system to make that judgement. Anymore more flack from you three, then I'm putting you, Ramius, and Kelly on the ignore button.
  17. I could do that as well, find a game trail and stake it out. But I prefer to walk around and enjoy the woods and scenery.
  18. That's pretty good. Where do you play the most ?
  19. Put in a good word with the big guy for the Bills when ya see em ! RIP
  20. With an avatar like that I wouldn't be pointing fingers at anyone. Are you from Texas by any chance ?
  21. I couldn't login Scott.
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