All I said is that ML or whoever was driving should have stopped and helped the woman. By taking off they became a dirtbag for doing that. I don't care about the legal part of it. I judged him on the actions we know already and are not in dispute.
But people want to villify me for calling him out for not stopping and thats why I continued to post because trolls like you don't want me or anyone else for that matter to state our opinion, which we have the right to do. Your the one stomping on people's rights here.
Now that the subpaoena's have been issued some people here have cooled their jets, but not you trolls, you just keep banging away calling me names for having an opinion. Having an opinion does not make me holier than thow. Most respectable people have weighed in and have stated that stopping was the right thing to do. Only morally bankrupt dirtbags think it's ok to drive off and leave the woman laying in the street. I don't have to wait for the legal system to make that judgement.
Anymore more flack from you three, then I'm putting you, Ramius, and Kelly on the ignore button.