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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. How did you like Tortola ? Did you go scuba diving or fishing ?
  2. Troisgros = Triple large ?
  3. What did you buy and does it have an anti siphon feature ?
  4. Good post ! There is a lot to be excited about this year ! Can't wait ! Bring it on !
  5. Hell why wait ! Hang him above the defendants table !
  6. That was one of those WTF moments ! I believe that was SF's fault more than DJ's. We will see this year if we have some bone headed moments.
  7. Do you also post as Ramius and Kelly the Fair Balanced Dog?
  8. Was your wife drunk at the time ? What does she look like ? Is she Canadian by any chance ? How do you know George was driving the car let alone drunk ? Your pretty closed minded to make such accusations ! </sarcasm off>
  9. Is that true ? I was going to get a locking cap for my vehicle as well.
  10. here is a real end of the world story http://green.yahoo.com/news/ap/20080624/ap..._scientist.html
  11. Bringing water to California from the Colorado was a bold idea, but they did it. Somehow they get the water to rise 4500 feet from the floor of the Arizona desert over the mountains into San Diego ! But they did it ! It can be done, just takes some vision and governmental will power to do it ! Both in short supply right now. Probably wont happen for awhile.
  12. I know it wont be easy, but if the government really wanted too, they could do it.
  13. Where there is a will, there is a way. The army of corp of engineers could figure out a way to do it if they really wanted to. They already bring water from the Colorado to California. Sounds about the same challenge. This would relieve flooding and help out west. It's a win - win for everybody. And create jobs as well.
  14. You could also argue that the mode and the mean of the offensive numbers could be argued for first place and last place. Stats are so confusing !
  15. I saw on the news that damage is in the billions. How much would the canal cost ? It might be cheaper than getting flooded out all the time !
  16. Why don't they build a canal from the Mississpi to the Colorado river to relieve the flooding and help out the west coast water shortage ?
  17. Don't come to California. The state has been cutting back on funds to schools big time this year. Private schools ? Maybe , but all of the laid off teachers would probably be looking there as well.
  18. Doesn't the Morton fisherman guy live around there ?
  19. In California the pedestrian ALWAYS has the right of way, no matter what. I'm assuming it's the same in New York state. So it doesn't matter what the hell she was doing, the driver has to be aware and in control at all times to avoid pedestrians. Short of her running out from between cars like a small kid would chasing a ball, there are few exceptions where it's deemed an accident and you get a pass.
  20. Who's sarcasm detector is is on the fritz now? As if I was being serious. Sheesh you guys are gullible.
  21. Myself included, he is a good guy ! Hope he is OK.
  22. I hate to be a pain, but I can't log in either and was wondering what I'm doing wrong? Anyone with a suggestion ?
  23. What happened to Millbank ?
  24. Do we really know that ? Does an article say that specifically ? I havn't read it, link please.
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