You guys are joking right? Sarcasm about whiners? You have to be happy we beat two very tough teams, with very good defenses and we found a way to win. Your all kidding right?
I was in a restaurant/bar today watching the game. There was a Pats fan next to me watching his game. So we talked a little bit, he really dislikes Gilmore, thinks he sucks. Likes Hogan, I did too. Thinks Gillislee is just Ok.
I completely disagree. Players become human missiles with helmets and shoulder pads. Without that plastic shell casing, players don't throw their bodies around like that anymore.
Hammies, pulled groins, ligament damages, etc. are still going to happen, but head injuries would be eliminated. Rugby players don't tackle with their heads, it hurts too much.
No Trump is polarizing the country over whether kneeling during the national anthem is disrespectful to the country or not. That just started with CK. The police shooting unarmed minorities has been going on for a long time, I agree.
Well Toto, you should watch the news a little more, because Trump is polarizing the country over this issue. If you were joking you have to premise your joke a little more so we know for sure your joking, I don't know you that well to tell when you are joking or not.
Wow ! Just Wow! This is why Trump is so dangerous, he shoots his mouth off and gets groups of people pitted against other groups of people. He will start another civil war!
Who cares about the money. I want Equifax, Transunion and Fair Issac and anyone like them to all go away never to surface again. It's intrusive, big brother watching kind of stuff. Who said they can track all of our purchase and payment history? I didn't give them permission to track my information.