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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. While your at it, take the dude 2 miles out to sea in a boat, two .38 wadcutters to the back of the head, then throw dude and gun over board.
  2. Pete, how about an update on your saga.
  3. The type of columns you write are factual in nature. The top of the story has gametime stats , history of the series, in essence your writing a box score. This guy was clearly in the human interest/commentary category and therefore has artistic license to embellish or not.
  4. Here's the difference Lori, he was writing a commentary human interest story not a box score. If you wanted stats go to ESPN stats section. But don't fault a guy for a well thought out and well written human interest story.
  5. Baseball is the epitome of over analysis, I surprised they dont keep a stat on what players had for breakfast before a game so they can argue whether Wheatie's or eggs affects the outcome.
  6. Aint that the truth. It must have been an awesome experience to watch the game with no TV timeouts, instant replay, and speaker system blaring. Just watching the game play. A beautiful thing to watch, wish I was there.
  7. Lou Saban
  8. We are doomed. Everyone should perform their anti-jinx ritual right away.
  9. I like the closing line. " Its time to bring the heat guys ! And I'm not talkin about a furnace."
  10. You should have 12 blue squares.
  11. Good read. Thanks for the link. I have $1000 will that get me naming rights?
  12. Still the point was, he is good enough to play for us why not Indy? a) We have lower standards? b) Colts have higher standards? c) They changed their mind on the trade? I'll go with option c for $200
  13. I hope we win ! I'd hate to lay an egg on a national stage.
  14. It was a seventies one hit wonder song. You didn't miss anything with that one.
  15. I was very happy with myself yesterday as I drove thru a speed trap yesterday doing 65 mph in a 65 mph zone.
  16. For some reason that old song " Billy dont be a hero, dont be a fool with your life" comes to mind.
  17. I really really hope that is not true.
  18. Since the blue squares are so important to you, I'll sell you my blue squares for $1000 a piece.
  19. Dallas way overpaid for Roy Williams. Evans is a good WR. He is #1 or #2 material at worst.
  20. Somebody needs to cheap shot his knees and end his career.
  21. This is definately a big game. The Bills need to bring their A game for this contest.
  22. The only thing I can add is that my Father in law got bit by a spider on the arm. That spot became large and enflamed like an absess. There weren't any rashes. I forget what the doctor did for him, it was a long time ago.
  23. Ya, you can loan the Pooj your Chef hat and knives !
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