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Fan in San Diego

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Everything posted by Fan in San Diego

  1. IS that legal? Insurance companies got busted for doing the same thing, charging by zip codes and accident rates by zip codes. Predominately Asian zip codes paid more than somewhere else. They had to stop that and homogenize their prices across the board. This sounds like an illegal practice to me.
  2. Sticking feathers up your butt doesn't make you a chicken !
  3. Didn't he play for Captain Hook?
  4. I blame the system. Whats with this toss a red flag sh--? Get an eletronic buzzer for the coaches to push that jolts the head refs nuts to get his attention.
  5. I'm going to be a fan of the Bills, just like Dick Jauron, no emotion whatsoever. I'm not cheering or booing. I'm not buying Bills gear, in fact I'm not watching the Bills or buying tickets unless they execute better. I will be golfing or at the driving range Sunday mornings instead. I'll DVR the game and make decision to watch the game later based on if they have executed better.
  6. If someone understands gas pricing please enlighten us. Here in San Diego, the Arco closest to me sells gas at 2.45 per gallon and an Arco 10 miles away sells gas fro $2.25 per gallon! Why the fluctuation within the same chain, so close to each other?
  7. I'm going to TIVO the games from now on. Depending on this site's reaction to the game will determine if I watch it. Anyone want to discuss current housing architecture? I'm looking at tuscan villas styles.
  8. Didn't Jauron just sign an extension?
  9. Why bother listening to the press conf. he will say they didn't execute well enough.
  10. The cover 2 is a sucky defensive scheme. Dump it and go to a real def. scheme.
  11. I hate the cover 2 defense. It is too easy to pick apart. Go to a true 3-4 or 4-3 defense with man to man coverage.
  12. I didn't even bother to watch the game today, I knew they would lose so I went house shopping instead. Saw a beautiful tuscan villa that was awesome.
  13. Whatever happened to Jim Baker? I saw that Tammy Faye got cancer or something.
  14. The phrase that bothers me the most is "my bad" WTF is that?
  15. Ok Dean I have re-read your posts and understand where you are coming from, where I disagree in your line of thought is that the system keeps minorities down. If you accept a cynical point of view of people I can see where your points come from, but the North won the war! There are more people as evidenced by Obama's election that dont care about the color of your skin and dont keep people down based on color. When hiring choice are made it is by merit. Now having said that, there will always be cases to the contrary, thats just people and nothing you can do about that. But as an entrenched system , no it doesn't exist. By the way, love the stolen car thread, very entertaining.
  16. What will Monday bring? Tuesday !
  17. Now I know who pyrite gal is? You are so full of crap and so many points I am going to dispute that it is not funny. Sheeesh, you are pathetic when it comes to a racial topic. And no, sorry, verbosity does not equate to intelligence which is pyrites and your achilles heel. I will filet and crucify you tomorrow when I can sprinkle intelligent seasonings on your retarded lack of intelligent posts. Cook ya tomorrow, fish !
  18. There may be the odd !@#$ who is a racist, but the system is color blind Dean. No more excuses. I'll take you in some black neighborhoods where some residents wont like white people. That doesn't create an excuse for white people not to succeed. Same thing goes for black people, screw the odd racist, everyone can succeed in this country if you put your mind to it.
  19. Interesting, maybe the ones I've seen someone even put up the money for the family.
  20. Maybe your local chapter has corruption issues but I have seen them build houses for free.
  21. I also would add that this is the day for all black Americans STFU about racism and discrimination in America. That dog don't hunt no more.
  22. I blame the O-line mostly. Sully had a good article on the front page throwing the Oline under the bus and I have to agree with him.
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